vTESTstudio入门到精通 – vTESTstudio工具栏介绍_ Traceability & Documentation & Environment

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由于Traceability & Documentation和Environment的两块内容较少,所以就合并起来介绍,单独的功能介绍略少,就不分开了,vTESTstudio工具栏介绍这块内容主要也是给大家做个普及,大家也是主要做个了解,方便在开发的时候去使用即可,都在功能面板上,都可以实时查看的。

Traceability & Documentation中唯一用的就是Export Test Design Documentation,这个主要是介绍我们的开发的脚本,将其生成一个PDF,方便介绍我们的工作量,这是我理解的这块的目的,大家可以研究下是否还有其他好用的功能。



3、Traceability & Documentation

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With a click on the symbol you export the current document as PDF.

You are asked to enter a new file name in a dialog.

If you have entered the name of a file that already exists, you are asked whether you want to have this file overwritten
90557078f84b4409b4f3aa34e16a3c64.png 打开跟踪项资源管理器 Trace Item Explorer

With a click on the symbol you open the Trace Item Explorer





You can recognize a split button by the split functionality displayed on the left.

With a click on the symbol you open an overview about the current state of the active test unit related to Trace Items.

With a click on the symbol you open an overview about the current state of the test project related to Trace Items.

With a click on the symbol you open an overview about the current state of the selected test unit related to Trace Items
ff135f3ffa4044ae914b7594afdb42eb.png 可打开一个对话框,从XML文件导入跟踪项 With a click on the symbol you open a dialog to import Trace Items from an XML file
9e50c0da1f984e8eaf91d711209a7595.png 单击符号即可从vTESTstudio项目中删除所有跟踪项 With a click on the symbol you delete all Trace Items from the vTESTstudio project


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a4d263d7f293454f9252b9fc9a09052a.png 打开信号资源管理器 Symbol Explorer

With a click on the symbol you open the Symbol Explorer



2、Import CANoe system Environment and symbols:同步CANoe工程中的系统变量、DBC到vTESTstudio工程


With a click on the configuration you open the Project Configuration|System Environment.

The system environment defines the environment in which the test units will be executed on test run.

With a click on the symbol you can import an existing CANoe environment in vTESTstudio.

Import Bus System Configuration and Symbols

You can import a configuration that is currently open in CANoe.

Update Symbols

You can update all symbols of a configuration that is currently opened in CANoe
01285f46d7c240d29e3eb6c58d7f473b.png 可以添加、编辑和删除测试系统变量;跟第一行的打开资源管理器有点重复。 Here you can add, edit and remove test system variables
a0c12d7f7c5a4cd988af9a74fa576785.png 在这里,您可以添加和编辑变量、其数据类型和可能的依赖关系,跟第一行的打开资源管理器有点重复。 Here you can add and edit variants, their data types and possible dependencies

这里面的Import CANoe system Environment and symbols,每次编译前最好点一下。

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