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1. Why does the author think population aging is a triumph of civilization?

A)Because it has created a better and longer life for human being.B)Because it has increased the size of population.C)Because it has adjusted the social and economic system.D)Because it has attained the smaller family size.

考点:细节题解析:文章第一段第一句提到Population aging is an impressive achievement that has greatly improved the quality and length of human life(人口老龄化是一项伟大的成就,它提高了人们生活质量,增加了人类的寿命),所以选A。2. According to the passage, what will happen in 2060?

A)The elderly people will begin to outnumber the children in Germany.B)The number of elderly people and children will be slightly less than 20 percent of the world population.C)The problem of population aging will become more critical for the whole world.D)The ratio between elderly people and children will be three to one.

考点:推断题解析:文章第二段最后一句中提到perhaps by 2060, the world’s elderly population will begin to exceed the population of children, when each group is expected to account for slightly less than one-fifth of the world population。由此可知,老年人的数量将会在2060年超过儿童的数量,也就是说老年人越来越多,这种现象也就意味着老龄化会更严重,所以选C。3. Which of the following countries has a better situation in population aging now?

A)The United States.B)France.C)Germany.D)Japan.

考点:细节题解析:第三段第一句和第二句提到,发达国家的老年人的数量都已经超过儿童。而美国是一个特例,儿童的数量比65岁以上的老年人的数量多50%。由此可见,目前美国老龄化的情况相比起其他的发达国家要好一些,所以选A。4. What will happen in the “red ink society”?

A)Young workers will outnumber the retired people.B)There will be a favorable age structure.C)The length of human life will rapidly prolong.D)The budgets for pensions and health care will suffer the deficit.

考点:综合理解题解析:red ink society指的是“赤字社会”。文章第六段说明目前退休金和医疗系统的预算有盈余(in the black),因为现在的年龄结构合理,工作者比退休的人多。而人们惧怕并防止red ink society的到来,证明red ink society的情况就应该正好和in the black相反,所以选D。5. Which of the following measures would be the last choice for politicians?

A)Reducing the welfare of the old people.B)Increasing the taxes.C)Raising the legal retirement age.D)Privati

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