在执行并行程序工程中,突然弹出 connection closed 窗口,随后 ssh 与服务器的连接断开,并行程序也中断…

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server responsed to the remote host was lost. This is usually means that network connection has terminated or that the remote host computer was rebooted. Most network outrages are short . So try again may help


(1) 并行程序中的for循环中,出现 printf 过多,导致并行程序运行工程中,ssh窗口内要显示的内容过多,可能是显示缓存溢出最终导致上述错误。

(2) scp  -rv           源计算机上准备拷贝目录

执行此命令时,若不使用-v 选项 ,也会出现上述错误,