Android输入系统(三)——InputReader的加工类型和InputDispatcher的分发过程(基于Android 13)

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1 InputReader的加工类型





/* Superclass of all input event argument objects */
struct NotifyArgs {
    int32_t id;
    nsecs_t eventTime;

    inline NotifyArgs() : id(0), eventTime(0) {}

    inline explicit NotifyArgs(int32_t id, nsecs_t eventTime) : id(id), eventTime(eventTime) {}

    virtual ~NotifyArgs() { }

    virtual void notify(InputListenerInterface& listener) const = 0;





2 InputDispatcher分发流程



void InputDispatcher::notifyKey(const NotifyKeyArgs* args) {
        needWake = enqueueInboundEventLocked(std::move(newEntry));
    } // release lock

    if (needWake) {



status_t InputDispatcher::start() {
    if (mThread) {
        return ALREADY_EXISTS;
    mThread = std::make_unique<InputThread>(
            "InputDispatcher", [this]() { dispatchOnce(); }, [this]() { mLooper->wake(); });
    return OK;


void InputDispatcher::dispatchOnce() {
    nsecs_t nextWakeupTime = LONG_LONG_MAX;
    { // acquire lock
        std::scoped_lock _l(mLock);

        // Run a dispatch loop if there are no pending commands.
        // The dispatch loop might enqueue commands to run afterwards.
        if (!haveCommandsLocked()) { //1

        // Run all pending commands if there are any.
        // If any commands were run then force the next poll to wake up immediately.
        if (runCommandsLockedInterruptable()) {
            nextWakeupTime = LONG_LONG_MIN;

        // If we are still waiting for ack on some events,
        // we might have to wake up earlier to check if an app is anr'ing.
        const nsecs_t nextAnrCheck = processAnrsLocked();
        nextWakeupTime = std::min(nextWakeupTime, nextAnrCheck);

        // We are about to enter an infinitely long sleep, because we have no commands or
        // pending or queued events
        if (nextWakeupTime == LONG_LONG_MAX) {
    } // release lock

    // Wait for callback or timeout or wake.  (make sure we round up, not down)
    nsecs_t currentTime = now();
    int timeoutMillis = toMillisecondTimeoutDelay(currentTime, nextWakeupTime);


void InputDispatcher::dispatchOnceInnerLocked(nsecs_t* nextWakeupTime) {
    nsecs_t currentTime = now();

    // Reset the key repeat timer whenever normal dispatch is suspended while the
    // device is in a non-interactive state.  This is to ensure that we abort a key
    // repeat if the device is just coming out of sleep.
    if (!mDispatchEnabled) { //1

    // If dispatching is frozen, do not process timeouts or try to deliver any new events.
    if (mDispatchFrozen) { //2
        if (DEBUG_FOCUS) {
            ALOGD("Dispatch frozen.  Waiting some more.");

    // Optimize latency of app switches.
    // Essentially we start a short timeout when an app switch key (HOME / ENDCALL) has
    // been pressed.  When it expires, we preempt dispatch and drop all other pending events.
    bool isAppSwitchDue = mAppSwitchDueTime <= currentTime; //3
    if (mAppSwitchDueTime < *nextWakeupTime) {
        *nextWakeupTime = mAppSwitchDueTime;

    // Ready to start a new event.
    // If we don't already have a pending event, go grab one.
    if (!mPendingEvent) {
        if (mInboundQueue.empty()) { //4
            if (isAppSwitchDue) {
                // The inbound queue is empty so the app switch key we were waiting
                // for will never arrive.  Stop waiting for it.
                isAppSwitchDue = false;

            // Synthesize a key repeat if appropriate.
            if (mKeyRepeatState.lastKeyEntry) {
                if (currentTime >= mKeyRepeatState.nextRepeatTime) {
                    mPendingEvent = synthesizeKeyRepeatLocked(currentTime);
                } else {
                    if (mKeyRepeatState.nextRepeatTime < *nextWakeupTime) {
                        *nextWakeupTime = mKeyRepeatState.nextRepeatTime;

            // Nothing to do if there is no pending event.
            if (!mPendingEvent) {
        } else {
            // Inbound queue has at least one entry.
            mPendingEvent = mInboundQueue.front(); //5

        // Poke user activity for this event.
        if (mPendingEvent->policyFlags & POLICY_FLAG_PASS_TO_USER) {

    // Now we have an event to dispatch.
    // All events are eventually dequeued and processed this way, even if we intend to drop them.
    ALOG_ASSERT(mPendingEvent != nullptr);
    bool done = false;
    DropReason dropReason = DropReason::NOT_DROPPED; //6
    if (!(mPendingEvent->policyFlags & POLICY_FLAG_PASS_TO_USER)) {
        dropReason = DropReason::POLICY;
    } else if (!mDispatchEnabled) {
        dropReason = DropReason::DISABLED;

    if (mNextUnblockedEvent == mPendingEvent) {
        mNextUnblockedEvent = nullptr;

    switch (mPendingEvent->type) {
        case EventEntry::Type::KEY: { //7
            std::shared_ptr<KeyEntry> keyEntry = std::static_pointer_cast<KeyEntry>(mPendingEvent);
            if (isAppSwitchDue) {
                if (isAppSwitchKeyEvent(*keyEntry)) {
                    isAppSwitchDue = false;
                } else if (dropReason == DropReason::NOT_DROPPED) {
                    dropReason = DropReason::APP_SWITCH;
            if (dropReason == DropReason::NOT_DROPPED && isStaleEvent(currentTime, *keyEntry)) {
                dropReason = DropReason::STALE;
            if (dropReason == DropReason::NOT_DROPPED && mNextUnblockedEvent) {
                dropReason = DropReason::BLOCKED;
            done = dispatchKeyLocked(currentTime, keyEntry, &dropReason, nextWakeupTime);//8
    if (done) { //9
        if (dropReason != DropReason::NOT_DROPPED) {
            dropInboundEventLocked(*mPendingEvent, dropReason);
        mLastDropReason = dropReason;

        releasePendingEventLocked(); //10
        *nextWakeupTime = LONG_LONG_MIN; // force next poll to wake up immediately


  • InputDispatcher的冻结流程

  • 窗口切换操作处理

  • 取出事件

  • 事件丢弃

  • 后续处理




bool InputDispatcher::dispatchKeyLocked(nsecs_t currentTime, std::shared_ptr<KeyEntry> entry,
                                        DropReason* dropReason, nsecs_t* nextWakeupTime) {
    // Preprocessing.
    if (!entry->dispatchInProgress) { //1
        if (entry->repeatCount == 0 && entry->action == AKEY_EVENT_ACTION_DOWN &&
            (entry->policyFlags & POLICY_FLAG_TRUSTED) &&
            (!(entry->policyFlags & POLICY_FLAG_DISABLE_KEY_REPEAT))) {
            if (mKeyRepeatState.lastKeyEntry &&
                mKeyRepeatState.lastKeyEntry->keyCode == entry->keyCode &&
                // We have seen two identical key downs in a row which indicates that the device
                // driver is automatically generating key repeats itself.  We take note of the
                // repeat here, but we disable our own next key repeat timer since it is clear that
                // we will not need to synthesize key repeats ourselves.
                mKeyRepeatState.lastKeyEntry->deviceId == entry->deviceId) {
                // Make sure we don't get key down from a different device. If a different
                // device Id has same key pressed down, the new device Id will replace the
                // current one to hold the key repeat with repeat count reset.
                // In the future when got a KEY_UP on the device id, drop it and do not
                // stop the key repeat on current device.
                entry->repeatCount = mKeyRepeatState.lastKeyEntry->repeatCount + 1;
                mKeyRepeatState.nextRepeatTime = LONG_LONG_MAX; // don't generate repeats ourselves
            } else {
                // Not a repeat.  Save key down state in case we do see a repeat later.
                mKeyRepeatState.nextRepeatTime = entry->eventTime + mConfig.keyRepeatTimeout;
            mKeyRepeatState.lastKeyEntry = entry;
        } else if (entry->action == AKEY_EVENT_ACTION_UP && mKeyRepeatState.lastKeyEntry &&
                   mKeyRepeatState.lastKeyEntry->deviceId != entry->deviceId) {
            // The key on device 'deviceId' is still down, do not stop key repeat
                ALOGD("deviceId=%d got KEY_UP as stale", entry->deviceId);
        } else if (!entry->syntheticRepeat) {

        if (entry->repeatCount == 1) {
            entry->flags |= AKEY_EVENT_FLAG_LONG_PRESS;
        } else {
            entry->flags &= ~AKEY_EVENT_FLAG_LONG_PRESS;

        entry->dispatchInProgress = true;

        logOutboundKeyDetails("dispatchKey - ", *entry);

    // Handle case where the policy asked us to try again later last time.
    if (entry->interceptKeyResult == KeyEntry::INTERCEPT_KEY_RESULT_TRY_AGAIN_LATER) {
        if (currentTime < entry->interceptKeyWakeupTime) { 
            if (entry->interceptKeyWakeupTime < *nextWakeupTime) {
                *nextWakeupTime = entry->interceptKeyWakeupTime;
            return false; // wait until next wakeup
        entry->interceptKeyResult = KeyEntry::INTERCEPT_KEY_RESULT_UNKNOWN;
        entry->interceptKeyWakeupTime = 0;

    // Give the policy a chance to intercept the key.
    if (entry->interceptKeyResult == KeyEntry::INTERCEPT_KEY_RESULT_UNKNOWN) {
        if (entry->policyFlags & POLICY_FLAG_PASS_TO_USER) {
            sp<IBinder> focusedWindowToken =

            auto command = [this, focusedWindowToken, entry]() REQUIRES(mLock) {
                doInterceptKeyBeforeDispatchingCommand(focusedWindowToken, *entry);
            return false; // wait for the command to run
        } else {
            entry->interceptKeyResult = KeyEntry::INTERCEPT_KEY_RESULT_CONTINUE;
    } else if (entry->interceptKeyResult == KeyEntry::INTERCEPT_KEY_RESULT_SKIP) {
        if (*dropReason == DropReason::NOT_DROPPED) {
            *dropReason = DropReason::POLICY;

    // Clean up if dropping the event.
    if (*dropReason != DropReason::NOT_DROPPED) { //2
                           *dropReason == DropReason::POLICY ? InputEventInjectionResult::SUCCEEDED
                                                             : InputEventInjectionResult::FAILED);
        return true;

    // Identify targets.
    std::vector<InputTarget> inputTargets; //3
    InputEventInjectionResult injectionResult =
            findFocusedWindowTargetsLocked(currentTime, *entry, inputTargets, nextWakeupTime); //4
    if (injectionResult == InputEventInjectionResult::PENDING) {
        return false;

    setInjectionResult(*entry, injectionResult);
    if (injectionResult != InputEventInjectionResult::SUCCEEDED) {
        return true;

    // Add monitor channels from event's or focused display.
    addGlobalMonitoringTargetsLocked(inputTargets, getTargetDisplayId(*entry)); //5

    // Dispatch the key.
    dispatchEventLocked(currentTime, entry, inputTargets); //6
    return true;




 * An input target specifies how an input event is to be dispatched to a particular window
 * including the window's input channel, control flags, a timeout, and an X / Y offset to
 * be added to input event coordinates to compensate for the absolute position of the
 * window area.
struct InputTarget {
    enum {
        /* This flag indicates that the event is being delivered to a foreground application. */
        FLAG_FOREGROUND = 1 << 0,

        /* This flag indicates that the MotionEvent falls within the area of the target
         * obscured by another visible window above it.  The motion event should be
         * delivered with flag AMOTION_EVENT_FLAG_WINDOW_IS_OBSCURED. */
        FLAG_WINDOW_IS_OBSCURED = 1 << 1,

        /* This flag indicates that a motion event is being split across multiple windows. */
        FLAG_SPLIT = 1 << 2,

        /* This flag indicates that the pointer coordinates dispatched to the application
         * will be zeroed out to avoid revealing information to an application. This is
         * used in conjunction with FLAG_DISPATCH_AS_OUTSIDE to prevent apps not sharing
         * the same UID from watching all touches. */
        FLAG_ZERO_COORDS = 1 << 3,

        /* This flag indicates that the event should be sent as is.
         * Should always be set unless the event is to be transmuted. */
        FLAG_DISPATCH_AS_IS = 1 << 8,

        /* This flag indicates that a MotionEvent with AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_DOWN falls outside
         * of the area of this target and so should instead be delivered as an
         * AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_OUTSIDE to this target. */
        FLAG_DISPATCH_AS_OUTSIDE = 1 << 9,

        /* This flag indicates that a hover sequence is starting in the given window.
         * The event is transmuted into ACTION_HOVER_ENTER. */

        /* This flag indicates that a hover event happened outside of a window which handled
         * previous hover events, signifying the end of the current hover sequence for that
         * window.
         * The event is transmuted into ACTION_HOVER_ENTER. */
        FLAG_DISPATCH_AS_HOVER_EXIT = 1 << 11,

        /* This flag indicates that the event should be canceled.
         * It is used to transmute ACTION_MOVE into ACTION_CANCEL when a touch slips
         * outside of a window. */

        /* This flag indicates that the event should be dispatched as an initial down.
         * It is used to transmute ACTION_MOVE into ACTION_DOWN when a touch slips
         * into a new window. */

        /* Mask for all dispatch modes. */

        /* This flag indicates that the target of a MotionEvent is partly or wholly
         * obscured by another visible window above it.  The motion event should be
         * delivered with flag AMOTION_EVENT_FLAG_WINDOW_IS_PARTIALLY_OBSCURED. */


    // The input channel to be targeted.
    std::shared_ptr<InputChannel> inputChannel;

    // Flags for the input target.
    int32_t flags = 0;

    // Scaling factor to apply to MotionEvent as it is delivered.
    // (ignored for KeyEvents)
    float globalScaleFactor = 1.0f;

    // Current display transform. Used for compatibility for raw coordinates.
    ui::Transform displayTransform;

    // The subset of pointer ids to include in motion events dispatched to this input target
    // if FLAG_SPLIT is set.
    BitSet32 pointerIds;
    // The data is stored by the pointerId. Use the bit position of pointerIds to look up
    // Transform per pointerId.
    ui::Transform pointerTransforms[MAX_POINTERS];

    void addPointers(BitSet32 pointerIds, const ui::Transform& transform);
    void setDefaultPointerTransform(const ui::Transform& transform);

     * Returns whether the default pointer information should be used. This will be true when the
     * InputTarget doesn't have any bits set in the pointerIds bitset. This can happen for monitors
     * and non splittable windows since we want all pointers for the EventEntry to go to this
     * target.
    bool useDefaultPointerTransform() const;

     * Returns the default Transform object. This should be used when useDefaultPointerTransform is
     * true.
    const ui::Transform& getDefaultPointerTransform() const;

    std::string getPointerInfoString() const;




InputEventInjectionResult InputDispatcher::findFocusedWindowTargetsLocked(
        nsecs_t currentTime, const EventEntry& entry, std::vector<InputTarget>& inputTargets,
        nsecs_t* nextWakeupTime) {
    std::string reason;

		//获取输入事件的display id,由于Android支持多屏设备,这里获取输入事件在哪个屏幕,默认值0
    int32_t displayId = getTargetDisplayId(entry);
    sp<WindowInfoHandle> focusedWindowHandle = getFocusedWindowHandleLocked(displayId);
    std::shared_ptr<InputApplicationHandle> focusedApplicationHandle =
            getValueByKey(mFocusedApplicationHandlesByDisplay, displayId);

    // If there is no currently focused window and no focused application
    // then drop the event.
    if (focusedWindowHandle == nullptr && focusedApplicationHandle == nullptr) {
        ALOGI("Dropping %s event because there is no focused window or focused application in "
              "display %" PRId32 ".",
              ftl::enum_string(entry.type).c_str(), displayId);
        return InputEventInjectionResult::FAILED;

    // Drop key events if requested by input feature
    if (focusedWindowHandle != nullptr && shouldDropInput(entry, focusedWindowHandle)) {
        return InputEventInjectionResult::FAILED;

    // Compatibility behavior: raise ANR if there is a focused application, but no focused window.
    // Only start counting when we have a focused event to dispatch. The ANR is canceled if we
    // start interacting with another application via touch (app switch). This code can be removed
    // if the "no focused window ANR" is moved to the policy. Input doesn't know whether
    // an app is expected to have a focused window.
    if (focusedWindowHandle == nullptr && focusedApplicationHandle != nullptr) {
        if (!mNoFocusedWindowTimeoutTime.has_value()) {
            // We just discovered that there's no focused window. Start the ANR timer
            std::chrono::nanoseconds timeout = focusedApplicationHandle->getDispatchingTimeout(
            mNoFocusedWindowTimeoutTime = currentTime + timeout.count();
            mAwaitedFocusedApplication = focusedApplicationHandle;
            mAwaitedApplicationDisplayId = displayId;
            ALOGW("Waiting because no window has focus but %s may eventually add a "
                  "window when it finishes starting up. Will wait for %" PRId64 "ms",
                  mAwaitedFocusedApplication->getName().c_str(), millis(timeout));
            *nextWakeupTime = *mNoFocusedWindowTimeoutTime;
            return InputEventInjectionResult::PENDING;
        } else if (currentTime > *mNoFocusedWindowTimeoutTime) {
            // Already raised ANR. Drop the event
            ALOGE("Dropping %s event because there is no focused window",
            return InputEventInjectionResult::FAILED;
        } else {
            // Still waiting for the focused window
            return InputEventInjectionResult::PENDING;

    // we have a valid, non-null focused window

    // Verify targeted injection.
    if (const auto err = verifyTargetedInjection(focusedWindowHandle, entry); err) {
        ALOGW("Dropping injected event: %s", (*err).c_str());
        return InputEventInjectionResult::TARGET_MISMATCH;

    if (focusedWindowHandle->getInfo()->inputConfig.test(
                WindowInfo::InputConfig::PAUSE_DISPATCHING)) {
        ALOGI("Waiting because %s is paused", focusedWindowHandle->getName().c_str());
        return InputEventInjectionResult::PENDING;

    // If the event is a key event, then we must wait for all previous events to
    // complete before delivering it because previous events may have the
    // side-effect of transferring focus to a different window and we want to
    // ensure that the following keys are sent to the new window.
    // Suppose the user touches a button in a window then immediately presses "A".
    // If the button causes a pop-up window to appear then we want to ensure that
    // the "A" key is delivered to the new pop-up window.  This is because users
    // often anticipate pending UI changes when typing on a keyboard.
    // To obtain this behavior, we must serialize key events with respect to all
    // prior input events.
    if (entry.type == EventEntry::Type::KEY) {
        if (shouldWaitToSendKeyLocked(currentTime, focusedWindowHandle->getName().c_str())) {
            *nextWakeupTime = *mKeyIsWaitingForEventsTimeout;
            return InputEventInjectionResult::PENDING;

    // Success!  Output targets.
                          InputTarget::FLAG_FOREGROUND | InputTarget::FLAG_DISPATCH_AS_IS,
                          BitSet32(0), inputTargets);

    // Done.
    return InputEventInjectionResult::SUCCEEDED;



void InputDispatcher::dispatchEventLocked(nsecs_t currentTime,
                                          std::shared_ptr<EventEntry> eventEntry,
                                          const std::vector<InputTarget>& inputTargets) {

    updateInteractionTokensLocked(*eventEntry, inputTargets);

    ALOG_ASSERT(eventEntry->dispatchInProgress); // should already have been set to true


    for (const InputTarget& inputTarget : inputTargets) {
        sp<Connection> connection =
        if (connection != nullptr) {
            prepareDispatchCycleLocked(currentTime, connection, eventEntry, inputTarget);//2
        } else {
            if (DEBUG_FOCUS) {
                ALOGD("Dropping event delivery to target with channel '%s' because it "
                      "is no longer registered with the input dispatcher.",

遍历inputTargets列表,取出的每一个都是InputTarget结构体类型的对象,存储的是事件与窗口的交互信息。然后在注释1处根据inputChannel获取Connection对象,Connection可以理解为InputDispatcher与目标窗口的链接,内部包含了连接的状态、InputChannel等信息。注释2处调用prepareDispatchCycleLocked函数来开始事件的发送,最终是通过InputTarget中的inputChannel来和窗口进行进程间通信的。大致的流程是prepareDispatchCycleLocked调用enqueueDispatchEntriesLocked将输入事件入队列,如果队列不为空则调用startDispatchCycleLocked分发输入事件,在startDispatchCycleLocked函数中,会调用相应的publish相关方法,发布输入事件,实际是调用InputPublisher类中的publish***函数进行事件的分发,在这些函数中,最终都会调用InputChannel中的sendMessage函数分发事件, 在这个函数中通过socket与目标窗口进行通信。



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