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I was recently reminded that I never wrote down all the weird things I learned about the GIF file format when implementing GIF decoding/playback at work last year. (I was reminded of this because I wrote a line in a corporate blog post draft that started with “If there’s one thing I love more than debugging rendering bugs, it’s reading specs about internet technologies,” and someone thought surely I was being sarcastic. I was not!) Without further ado, some strange things about GIFs (hard G because language evolves):

最近,我想起了我去年在工作中实施GIF解码/播放时从未写下过关于GIF文件格式的所有奇怪知识。 (我之所以被提醒,是因为我在公司博客文章草稿中写了一行,开头是“如果我除调试渲染错误外还爱上一件事,那就是在阅读有关互联网技术的规范,”有人认为我在讽刺。我不是!)事不宜迟,关于GIF的一些奇怪的事情(由于语言不断发展,所以用了硬G):



The compression algorithm used in GIFs was, way back in the day, under patent,


and in the 90s, some kerfuffles ensued about this, resulting in someone inventing PNG. PNG used to be PING, which stood for “Ping Is Not GIF.”

在90年代,随之而来的是一些混混,导致有人发明了PNG。 PNG以前是PING,代表“ Ping不是GIF”。




The GIF spec provides for encoding multiple images, but

no one ever codified what this meant



The most common usage of this is, of course, encoding multiple images to yield an animating image. But you could also use it to fit lots of colors into one image (since each image maxes out at 256 colors)! [

See here.


当然,最常见的用法是对多个图像进行编码以生成动画图像。 但是您也可以使用它在一张图像中放入很多颜色(因为每个图像最多可以容纳256色)! [





A later extension (the Netscape Application Block) introduced the concept of “loop count,” to indicate how many times the animating image should loop.


If yo