当用户忠诚度成为一念之间?走进大会开幕日, 了解何以数字优先!

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“The Open Group Annual Conference for 2020 is titled Digital First

What does Digital First Mean?”

“The Open Group 2020年度大会主题为数字优先,


The Open Group 2020 年度大会今日盛大开幕!大会首日,在出品人程燕的主持下,六位不同行业的演讲嘉宾,与百位参会人员,针对“数字化转型设计与架构创新”主题展开热烈探讨。

The Open Group全球EA副总裁兼亚太区总经理




All of us continue to live and work in a very challenging time with constant pressures requiring a high degree of awareness, and, also flexibility to adjust rapidly to changing situations. These pressures apply to us personally, the organizations we work for and the partners we work with.


People, individuals, expect technology to meet their needs rapidly. The daily flow of billions of RMB in China and globally depends on which app people click on and the moment they are dissatisfied with a service, whatever the reason for the dissatisfaction, they can move to your competitors without leaving their dinner table or their office.


Competition is fierce.


Digital First organizations must meet the needs of digital native customers, they employ digital native people, they choose business partners who are also operating Digital First business models. Digital First organizations are aware of customers needs and wants in real time, adjust flexibly and rapidly to changing situations, leverage employees, partners, and their entire ecosystem to innovate and deliver value through a series of technologies and business models that did not exist two generations ago.


The Open Group将为




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