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函数名: fabs

功 能: 返回浮点数的绝对值

用 法: double fabs(double x);




int main(void)


float number = -1234.0;

printf(“number: %f absolute value: %f\n”,

number, fabs(number));

return 0;


函数名: farcalloc

功 能: 从远堆栈中申请空间

用 法: void far *farcalloc(unsigned long units, unsigned ling unitsz);






int main(void)


char far *fptr;

char *str = “Hello”;

/* allocate memory for the far pointer */

fptr = farcalloc(10, sizeof(char));

/* copy “Hello” into allocated memory */


Note: movedata is used because you

might be in a small data model, in

which case a normal string copy routine

can not be used since it assumes the

pointer size is near.


movedata(FP_SEG(str), FP_OFF(str),

FP_SEG(fptr), FP_OFF(fptr),


/* display string (note the F modifier) */

printf(“Far string is: %Fs\n”, fptr);

/* free the memory */


return 0;


函数名: farcoreleft

功 能: 返回远堆中未作用存储区大小

用 法: long farcoreleft(void);




int main(void)


printf(“The difference between the\

highest allocated block in the\


printf(“heap and the top of the far heap\

is: %lu bytes\n”, farcoreleft());

return 0;


函数名: farfree

功 能: 从远堆中释放一块

用 法: void farfree(void);






int main(void)


char far *fptr;

char *str = “Hello”;

/* allocate memory for the far pointer */

fptr = farcalloc(10, sizeof(char));

/* copy “Hello” into allocated memory */


Note: movedata is used because you might be in a small data model,

in which case a normal string copy routine can’t be used since it

assumes the pointer size is near.


movedata(FP_SEG(str), FP_OFF(str),

FP_SEG(fptr), FP_OFF(fptr),


/* display string (note the F modifier) */

printf(“Far string is: %Fs\n”, fptr);

/* free the memory */


return 0;


函数名: farmalloc

功 能: 从远堆中分配存储块

用 法: void far *farmalloc(unsigned long size);






int main(void)


char far *fptr;

char *str = “Hello”;

/* allocate memory for the far pointer */

fptr = farmalloc(10);

/* copy “Hello&

quot; into allocated memory */


Note: movedata is used because we might

be in a small data model, in which case

a normal string copy routi