KEIL 不使用microlib 报错__stdin __stdout重复定义

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void _sys_exit(int x) { 
    x = x; 
FILE __stdout;
FILE __stdin;
int fputc(int ch, FILE *f) {
  HAL_UART_Transmit(&s_uart1Handle, (uint8_t *) &ch, 1, 0xFFFF);
  return ch;

如果编译报错__stdin __stdout重复定义,则删除文件中添加的

FILE __stdout;
FILE __stdin;



 * Copyright (C) ARM Limited, 2006. All rights reserved.
 * This is a retargeted I/O example which implements the functions required
 * for communication through an UART. The implementation relies on two UART
 * functions which the user must provide (UART_write and UART_read) for 
 * sending and receiving single characters to and from the UART.
 * See the "rt_sys.h" header file for complete function descriptions.

#include <rt_sys.h>
#include "main.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#define DEFAULT_HANDLE 0x100;

extern UART_HandleTypeDef huart1;

 * UART prototype functions
char UART_read(void)
	return 0;

void UART_write(char ch)
	HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart1, (uint8_t *)&ch, 1, 20);//注意修改对应串口

 * These names are special strings which will be recognized by 
 * _sys_open and will cause it to return the standard I/O handles, instead
 * of opening a real file.
const char __stdin_name[] ="STDIN";
const char __stdout_name[]="STDOUT";
const char __stderr_name[]="STDERR";

 * Open a file. May return -1 if the file failed to open. We do not require
 * this function to do anything. Simply return a dummy handle.
FILEHANDLE _sys_open(const char * name, int openmode)
    return DEFAULT_HANDLE;  

 * Close a file. Should return 0 on success or a negative value on error.
 * Not required in this implementation. Always return success.
int _sys_close(FILEHANDLE fh)
    return 0; //return success

 * Write to a file. Returns 0 on success, negative on error, and the number
 * of characters _not_ written on partial success. This implementation sends
 * a buffer of size 'len' to the UART.
int _sys_write(FILEHANDLE fh, const unsigned char * buf,
               unsigned len, int mode)
    int i;
        // Fix for HyperTerminal    
        if(buf[i]=='\n') UART_write('\r');
    return 0;   

 * Read from a file. Can return:
 *  - zero if the read was completely successful
 *  - the number of bytes _not_ read, if the read was partially successful
 *  - the number of bytes not read, plus the top bit set (0x80000000), if
 *    the read was partially successful due to end of file
 *  - -1 if some error other than EOF occurred
 * This function receives a character from the UART, processes the character
 * if required (backspace) and then echo the character to the Terminal 
 * Emulator, printing the correct sequence after successive keystrokes.  
int _sys_read(FILEHANDLE fh, unsigned char * buf,
              unsigned len, int mode)
    int pos=0;
    do {
        // Advance position in buffer
        // Handle backspace
        if(buf[pos-1] == '\b') 
            // More than 1 char in buffer
                // Delete character on terminal
                UART_write(' ');
                // Update position in buffer
            else if (pos>0) pos--; // Backspace pressed, empty buffer
        else UART_write(buf[pos-1]); // Echo normal char to terminal
    }while(buf[pos-1] != '\r');
    buf[pos]= '\0'; // Ensure Null termination

    return 0;       

 * Writes a character to the output channel. This function is used
 * for last-resort error message output.
void _ttywrch(int ch)
    // Convert correctly for endianness change
    char ench=ch;

 * Return non-zero if the argument file is connected to a terminal.
int _sys_istty(FILEHANDLE fh)
    return 1; // no interactive device present

 * Move the file position to a given offset from the file start.
 * Returns >=0 on success, <0 on failure. Seeking is not supported for the 
 * UART.
int _sys_seek(FILEHANDLE fh, long pos)
    return -1; // error

 * Flush any OS buffers associated with fh, ensuring that the file
 * is up to date on disk. Result is >=0 if OK, negative for an
 * error.
int _sys_ensure(FILEHANDLE fh)
    return 0; // success

 * Return the current length of a file, or <0 if an error occurred.
 * _sys_flen is allowed to reposition the file pointer (so Unix can
 * implement it with a single lseek, for example), since it is only
 * called when processing SEEK_END relative fseeks, and therefore a
 * call to _sys_flen is always followed by a call to _sys_seek.
long _sys_flen(FILEHANDLE fh)
    return 0;

 * Return the name for temporary file number sig in the buffer
 * name. Returns 0 on failure. maxlen is the maximum name length
 * allowed.
int _sys_tmpnam(char * name, int sig, unsigned maxlen)
    return 0; // fail, not supported

 * Terminate the program, passing a return code back to the user.
 * This function may not return.
void _sys_exit(int returncode)
    while(1) {};

#ifdef __cplusplus

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