java for windows,如何在Java for Windows中启用minidump

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I keep getting and seeing this message

Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows

So I need to know

How to enable minidumps in Java (on a Windows machine)

(optional) How interpret a minidump once I have it

I tried to find an answer for those 2 questions but what I found are very specific answers for niche questions and that did not satisfied me.


Given that this may still be useful for someone you will need the following JVM option


the minidump will be as large as the memory used by your JVM.

To interpret the minidump you can install the free Visual Studio C++ Express edition for your platform.

You will also need the symbols for the DLL’s you are interested in. There is some information on using the Microsoft Symbol server here

You would also need the symbol files for the JVM.