贪心算法 背包问题 java_贪心算法解背包问题

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背包问题:与0-1背包问题类似,所不同的是在选择物品i装入背包时,可以选择物品i的一部分,而不一定要全部装入背包,1 <= i <= n。这2类问题都具有最优子结构性质,极为相似,但背包问题可以用贪心算法求解,而0-1背包问题却不能用贪心算法求解。






package cn.edu.xmu.acm.greedy;

import java.util.Arrays;

import java.util.Scanner;


* desc:贪心策略求解背包问题



* @author chenwq (irwenqiang@gmail.com)

* @version 1.0 2012/03/27


public class KnapSackGreedy{

public static void main(String[] args) {

Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);

System.out.println(“Please enter the number of objects:”);

int n = in.nextInt();

int[] w = new int[n];

int[] v = new int[n];


.println(“Now,please enter the weight of these objects:”);

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

w[i] = in.nextInt();



.println(“Now,please enter the value of these objects:”);

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

v[i] = in.nextInt();



.println(“Now,please enter the capacity of the pack:”);

int c = in.nextInt();


* 1、计算单位价值

* 2、按单位重量价值 r[i]=v[i]/w[i]降序排列


double startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

double[] r = new double[n];

int[] index = new int[n];

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

r[i] = (double) v[i] / (double) w[i];

index[i] = i;


double temp = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < n – 1; i++) {

for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++) {

if (r[i] < r[j]) {

temp = r[i];

r[i] = r[j];

r[j] = temp;

int x = index[i];

index[i] = index[j];

index[j] = x;





* 排序后的重量和价值分别存到w1[]和v1[]中


int[] w1 = new int[n];

int[] v1 = new int[n];

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

w1[i] = w[index[i]];

v1[i] = v[index[i]];



* 打印按单位价值降序之后的物品和物品价值序列





* 初始化解向量x[n]


int[] x = new int[n];

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

x[i] = 0;



* 按照贪心策略求解并打印解向量


for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

if (w1[i] < c) {

x[i] = 1;

c = c – w1[i];




.println(“The solution vector is:” + Arrays.toString(x));


* 根据解向量求出背包中存放物品的最大价值并打印


int maxValue = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

if (x[i] == 1)

maxValue += v1[i];


double endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();


.println(“Now,the largest values of objects in the pack is:”

+ maxValue);

System.out.println(“Basic Statements take) ”

+ (endTime – startTime) + ” milliseconds!”);




package cn.edu.xmu.acm.greedy;

import java.io.BufferedReader;

import java.io.File;

import java.io.FileReader;

import java.io.InputStreamReader;

import java.text.DecimalFormat;


* Basic knapsack problem:


* We are given n objects and a knapsack. Each object has a positive

* weight and a positive value. The knapsack is limited in the weight

* that it can carry. Fill the knapsack in a way that maximizes the

* value of the included objects, where you are allowed to take a

* fraction of an object.


* Author: Timothy Rolfe


* Based on Brassard and Bratley, _Fundamentals_of_Algorithmics_,

* pp. 202-04.


* Note: The array “avail” is sorted several times, each with a

* different criterion for sorting. Only the last time is

* the optimal knapsack obtained (when sorted by value per weight).


public class FPKnapsack {

// Instance-scope fields

int n; // Number of objects

Item[] avail;// Available objects for use

Item[] used; // objects actually used

int nUsed;

double maxWeight; // Weight limit of the knapsack.

// Easy-out for IOExceptions — throw them back to the operating system

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

// Code for reading console from “Java in a Nutshell”, p. 166

BufferedReader console = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(


FPKnapsack knap = new FPKnapsack();

String lineIn;

String[] header = { “ranked by increasing weight”,

“ranked by decreasing value”,

“ranked by decreasing value per weight” };

int k; // Loop variable

System.out.print(“Input file name: “);

if (args.length < 1)

lineIn = console.readLine();

else {

lineIn = args[0];



File f = new File(lineIn);

FileReader fis = new FileReader(f);

BufferedReader inp = new BufferedReader(fis);


for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) {






* Data file presumption:


* 1. Weight ceiling for the knapsack (one number on the line) 2. Number of

* candidate objects (one number on the line) …That many number PAIRS:

* weight value


void initialize(BufferedReader inp) throws Exception {

String lineIn;

lineIn = inp.readLine();

maxWeight = Double.parseDouble(lineIn.trim());

lineIn = inp.readLine();

n = Integer.parseInt(lineIn.trim());

// Arrays “used” and “avail” are initialized here.

used = new Item[n];

avail = new Item[n];

System.out.println(“\nData accepted: n = ” + n);

System.out.println(“Individual object descriptions follow.”);

for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {

DecimalFormat fmt0 = new DecimalFormat(“0”), fmt2 = new DecimalFormat(


java.util.StringTokenizer tk = new java.util.StringTokenizer(


double wt = Double.parseDouble(tk.nextToken()), val = Double


avail[k] = new Item(wt, val);

System.out.println(“w: ” + fmt0.format(wt) + ” v: ”

+ fmt0.format(val) + ” v/w: ” + fmt2.format(val / wt));



// Fill the knapsack (i.e., move items from the heap into used[])

void fill(int basis) {

int k;

Item nxt;

double remain = maxWeight;

nUsed = 0;

// Put the available items into requested order



for (k = 0; remain > 0 && k < avail.length; k++) {

nxt = avail[k];

if (nxt.w <= remain)

nxt.x = 1;


nxt.x = remain / nxt.w;

remain -= nxt.x * nxt.w;

used[nUsed++] = nxt;



// Show the contents — as number pairs and fraction used.

void report(String header) {

DecimalFormat fmt0 = new DecimalFormat(“0”), fmt2 = new DecimalFormat(


double sigVal = 0;

System.out.println(“\n” + fmt0.format(maxWeight) + ” total weight ”

+ header);

System.out.println(“Knapsack contents:”);

for (int k = 0; k < nUsed; k++) {

String lineOut = “(“;

lineOut += fmt0.format(used[k].w) + “, “;

lineOut += fmt0.format(used[k].v) + “) — “;

lineOut += fmt2.format(used[k].x) + ” used.”;


sigVal += used[k].v * used[k].x;


System.out.println(“Total value: ” + fmt2.format(sigVal));




* Class of items for inclusion in the knapsack


class Item implements Comparable {

double w, // For each object, the weight of the object

v, // For each object, the value of the object

x; // For each object, the fraction of the object used

double vpw; // For each object, the value-per-weight ratio

// Basis for sorting: 0: w ascending,

// 1: v descending

// x: vpw descending

static private int basis = 2;

Item(double w, double v) {

this.x = 0;

this.w = w;

this.v = v;

this.vpw = v / w;


Item(Item c) {

this.w = c.w;

this.w = c.w;

this.v = c.v;

this.vpw = c.vpw;


public static void setBasis(int basis) {

Item.basis = basis;


// Comparable insists on the following method signature:

public int compareTo(Object x) {

Item rt = (Item) x;

// Basis for ordering is set in the static field basis

switch (basis) { // ascending

case 0:

return w < rt.w ? -1 : w > rt.w ? +1 : 0;

// descending

case 1:

return v < rt.v ? +1 : v > rt.v ? -1 : 0;

// descending


return vpw < rt.vpw ? +1 : vpw > rt.vpw ? -1 : 0;





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2012-03-27 21:27

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