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create database expr03;


show databases;


use expr03;


create table student(

stu_id int unsigned primary key comment’学号’,

stu_name varchar(20) not null comment’姓名’,

sex varchar(2) comment’性别’,

birth year comment’出生年份’,

department varchar(20) not null comment’院系’,

addr varchar(50) comment’家庭住址’

)character set utf8 collate utf8_bin;


show tables;


insert into student (stu_id,stu_name,sex,birth,department,addr)

values (901,’张飞’,’m’,1985,’cmp’,’hb’);

insert into student (stu_id,stu_name,sex,birth,department,addr)

values (902,’关羽’,’m’,1986,’chi’,’sx’);

insert into student (stu_id,stu_name,sex,birth,department,addr)

values (903,’貂蝉’,’f’,1990,’chi’,’sx’);

insert into student (stu_id,stu_name,sex,birth,department,addr)

values (904,’刘备’,’m’,1990,’eng’,’hb’);

insert into student (stu_id,stu_name,sex,birth,department,addr)

values (905,’小乔’,’f’,1991,’eng’,’ah’);

insert into student (stu_id,stu_name,sex,birth,department,addr)

values (906,’赵云’,’m’,1988,’eng’,’hb’);


desc student;

select * from student;


create table score(

score_id int unsigned primary key auto_increment comment’编号’,

stu_id int not null comment’学号’,

c_name varchar(20) comment’课程名’,

grade int comment’分数’

)character set utf8 collate utf8_bin;


show tables;


insert into score (score_id,stu_id,c_name,grade)

values (1,901,’cmp’,98);

insert into score (score_id,stu_id,c_name,grade)

values (2,901,’eng’,80);

insert into score (score_id,stu_id,c_name,grade)

values (3,902,’cmp’,65);

insert into score (score_id,stu_id,c_name,grade)

values (4,902,’chi’,88);

insert into score (score_id,stu_id,c_name,grade)

values (5,903,’chi’,95);

insert into score (score_id,stu_id,c_name,grade)

values (6,904,’cmp’,70);

insert into score (score_id,stu_id,c_name,grade)

values (7,904,’eng’,92);

insert into score (score_id,stu_id,c_name,grade)

values (8,905,’eng’,94);

insert into score (score_id,stu_id,c_name,grade)

values (9,906,’cmp’,90);

insert into score (score_id,stu_id,c_name,grade)

values (10,906,’eng’,85);


desc score;

select * from score;


select stu_id,stu_name from student;


select * from student;


select stu_name,(YEAR(CURDATE()) – birth),department from student;


select distinct stu_id from score;


select distinct stu_id from score where grade>=90;


select sex,(YEAR(CURDATE()) – birth),department from student where department!=’eng’ and department!=’cmp’;


select stu_id,stu_name,department,birth from student where birth between 1980 and 1989;


select * from student where stu_name like “张%”;


select * from student where stu_name like “刘%” or stu_name like “赵%”;


select * from student where stu_name like “刘__”;


select stu_name,birth from student where birth >=1990;


select department,stu_name from student where department=’eng’ and sex=’m’;


select stu_name,sex,addr from student where sex=’f’ or addr=’sx’;


select c_name,stu_id,grade from score where grade between 90 and 95;


select count(stu_id) from student where department=’eng’ and addr=’hb’;


select sex,count(stu_id) from student where (YEAR(CURDATE()) – birth)<=34

group by sex;   //注意要先设置年龄条件再进行分组,在分组之后只能能进行聚合函数的计算


select max((YEAR(CURDATE()) – birth)),min((YEAR(CURDATE()) – birth)),count(stu_id) from student

where addr=’sx’

group by (YEAR(CURDATE()) – birth);   //使用聚合函数(max\min)时要使用分组


select sum(grade) from score where c_name=’chi’;


select c_name,max(grade),min(grade) from score where c_name=’cmp’

group by c_name;


select avg(grade) from score where c_name=’eng’;


select stu_id,avg(grade) from score group by stu_id;


select c_name,count(stu_id) from score group by c_name;


select a.c_name,a.grade from score a

left join score b on a.c_name = b.c_name

and a.grade <= b.grade

group by a.c_name,a.grade

order by a.c_name,a.grade desc;


select c_name,max(grade) from score group by c_name

order by group_concat(grade) desc;


select c_name,avg(grade) from score group by c_name order by avg(grade) desc;


select stu_id,min(grade) from score group by stu_id order by min(grade) desc;


select stu_id,stu_name,length(stu_name) from student where stu_id=905;

#用CONCAT(s1,s2,……)函数将student表中stu_id为905的stu_namer字段中数据与“:”和“a beautiful girl”字符串连接起来

select concat(stu_name,’ a beautiful girl’) from student where stu_id=905;


select c_name,group_concat(stu_id) from score group by c_name;


create database expr03;
show databases;
use expr03;
create table student(
	stu_id int unsigned primary key comment'学号',
	stu_name varchar(20) not null comment'姓名',
	sex varchar(2) comment'性别',
	birth year comment'出生年份',
	department varchar(20) not null comment'院系',
	addr varchar(50) comment'家庭住址'
	)character set utf8 collate utf8_bin;
show tables;
insert into student (stu_id,stu_name,sex,birth,department,addr)
	values (901,'张飞','m',1985,'cmp','hb');
insert into student (stu_id,stu_name,sex,birth,department,addr)
	values (902,'关羽','m',1986,'chi','sx');
insert into student (stu_id,stu_name,sex,birth,department,addr)
	values (903,'貂蝉','f',1990,'chi','sx');
insert into student (stu_id,stu_name,sex,birth,department,addr)
	values (904,'刘备','m',1990,'eng','hb');
insert into student (stu_id,stu_name,sex,birth,department,addr)
	values (905,'小乔','f',1991,'eng','ah');
insert into student (stu_id,stu_name,sex,birth,department,addr)
	values (906,'赵云','m',1988,'eng','hb');
desc student;
select * from student;
create table score(
	score_id int unsigned primary key auto_increment comment'编号',
	stu_id int not null comment'学号',
	c_name varchar(20) comment'课程名',
	grade int comment'分数'
	)character set utf8 collate utf8_bin;
show tables;
insert into score (score_id,stu_id,c_name,grade)
	values (1,901,'cmp',98);
insert into score (score_id,stu_id,c_name,grade)
	values (2,901,'eng',80);
insert into score (score_id,stu_id,c_name,grade)
	values (3,902,'cmp',65);
insert into score (score_id,stu_id,c_name,grade)
	values (4,902,'chi',88);
insert into score (score_id,stu_id,c_name,grade)
	values (5,903,'chi',95);
insert into score (score_id,stu_id,c_name,grade)
	values (6,904,'cmp',70);
insert into score (score_id,stu_id,c_name,grade)
	values (7,904,'eng',92);
insert into score (score_id,stu_id,c_name,grade)
	values (8,905,'eng',94);
insert into score (score_id,stu_id,c_name,grade)
	values (9,906,'cmp',90);
insert into score (score_id,stu_id,c_name,grade)
	values (10,906,'eng',85);
desc score;
select * from score;
select stu_id,stu_name from student;
select * from student;
select stu_name,(YEAR(CURDATE()) - birth),department from student;
select distinct stu_id from score;
select distinct stu_id from score where grade>=90;
select sex,(YEAR(CURDATE()) - birth),department from student where department!='eng' and department!='cmp';
select stu_id,stu_name,department,birth from student where birth between 1980 and 1989;
select * from student where stu_name like "张%";
select * from student where stu_name like "刘%" or stu_name like "赵%";
select * from student where stu_name like "刘__";
select stu_name,birth from student where birth >=1990;
select department,stu_name from student where department='eng' and sex='m';
select stu_name,sex,addr from student where sex='f' or addr='sx';
select c_name,stu_id,grade from score where grade between 90 and 95;
select count(stu_id) from student where department='eng' and addr='hb';
select sex,count(stu_id) from student where (YEAR(CURDATE()) - birth)<=34
	group by sex;   //注意要先设置年龄条件再进行分组,在分组之后只能能进行聚合函数的计算
select max((YEAR(CURDATE()) - birth)),min((YEAR(CURDATE()) - birth)),count(stu_id) from student
	where addr='sx'
	group by (YEAR(CURDATE()) - birth);   //使用聚合函数(max\min)时要使用分组
select sum(grade) from score where c_name='chi';
select c_name,max(grade),min(grade) from score where c_name='cmp'
	group by c_name;
select avg(grade) from score where c_name='eng';
select stu_id,avg(grade) from score group by stu_id;
select c_name,count(stu_id) from score group by c_name;
select a.c_name,a.grade from score a
	left join score b on a.c_name = b.c_name
	and a.grade <= b.grade
	group by a.c_name,a.grade
	order by a.c_name,a.grade desc;
select c_name,max(grade) from score group by c_name 
	order by group_concat(grade) desc;
select c_name,avg(grade) from score group by c_name order by avg(grade) desc;
select stu_id,min(grade) from score group by stu_id order by min(grade) desc;
select stu_id,stu_name,length(stu_name) from student where stu_id=905;
#用CONCAT(s1,s2,……)函数将student表中stu_id为905的stu_namer字段中数据与“:”和“a beautiful girl”字符串连接起来
select concat(stu_name,' a beautiful girl') from student where stu_id=905;
select c_name,group_concat(stu_id) from score group by c_name;

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