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1. 绘图


1.1. cv::circle()


void circle(
    cv::Mat& img, // Image to be drawn on
    cv::Point center, // Location of circle center
    int radius, // Radius of circle
    const cv::Scalar& color, // Color, RGB form
    int thickness = 1, // Thickness of line
    int lineType = 8, // Connectedness, 4 or 8
    int shift = 0 // Bits of radius to treat as fraction
1.2. cv::clipLine()


bool clipLine( // True if any part of line in 'imgRect'
    cv::Rect imgRect, // Rectangle to clip to
    cv::Point& pt1, // First endpoint of line, overwritten
    cv::Point& pt2 // Second endpoint of line, overwritten

bool clipLine( // True if any part of line in image size
    cv::Size imgSize, // Size of image, implies rectangle at 0,0
    cv::Point& pt1, // First endpoint of line, overwritten
    cv::Point& pt2 // Second endpoint of line, overwritten
1.3. cv::ellipse()



bool ellipse(
    cv::Mat& img, // Image to be drawn on
    cv::Point center, // Location of ellipse center
    cv::Size axes, // Length of major and minor axes
    double angle, // Tilt angle of major axis
    double startAngle, // Start angle for arc drawing
    double endAngle, // End angle for arc drawing
    const cv::Scalar& color, // Color, BGR form
    int thickness = 1, // Thickness of line
    int lineType = 8, // Connectedness, 4 or 8
    int shift = 0 // Bits of radius to treat as fraction

bool ellipse(
    cv::Mat& img, // Image to be drawn on
    const cv::RotatedRect& rect, // Rotated rectangle bounds ellipse
    const cv::Scalar& color, // Color, BGR form
    int thickness = 1, // Thickness of line
    int lineType = 8, // Connectedness, 4 or 8
    int shift = 0 // Bits of radius to treat as fraction
1.4. cv::ellipse2Poly()


void ellipse2Poly(
    cv::Point center, // Location of ellipse center
    cv::Size axes, // Length of major and minor axes
    double angle, // Tilt angle of major axis
    double startAngle, // Start angle for arc drawing
    double endAngle, // End angle for arc drawing
    int delta, // Angle between sequential vertices
    vector<cv::Point>& pts // Result, STL-vector of points
1.5. cv::fillConvexPoly()


void fillConvexPoly(
    cv::Mat& img, // Image to be drawn on
    const cv::Point* pts, // C-style array of points
    int npts, // Number of points in 'pts'
    const cv::Scalar& color, // Color, BGR form
    int lineType = 8, // Connectedness, 4 or 8
    int shift = 0 // Bits of radius to treat as fraction
1.6. cv::fillPoly()


void fillPoly(
    cv::Mat& img, // Image to be drawn on
    const cv::Point* pts, // C-style array of arrays of points
    int npts, // Number of points in 'pts[i]'
    int ncontours, // Number of arrays in 'pts'
    const cv::Scalar& color, // Color, BGR form
    int lineType = 8, // Connectedness, 4 or 8
    int shift = 0, // Bits of radius to treat as fraction
    cv::Point offset = Point() // Uniform offset applied to all points
1.7. cv::line()


void line(
    cv::Mat& img, // Image to be drawn on
    cv::Point pt1, // First endpoint of line
    cv::Point pt2 // Second endpoint of line
    const cv::Scalar& color, // Color, BGR form
    int lineType = 8, // Connectedness, 4 or 8
    int shift = 0 // Bits of radius to treat as fraction
1.8. cv::rectangle()


void rectangle(
    cv::Mat& img, // Image to be drawn on
    cv::Point pt1, // First corner of rectangle
    cv::Point pt2 // Opposite corner of rectangle
    const cv::Scalar& color, // Color, BGR form
    int lineType = 8, // Connectedness, 4 or 8
    int shift = 0 // Bits of radius to treat as fraction

void rectangle(
    cv::Mat& img, // Image to be drawn on
    cv::Rect r, // Rectangle to draw
    const cv::Scalar& color, // Color, BGR form
    int lineType = 8, // Connectedness, 4 or 8
    int shift = 0 // Bits of radius to treat as fraction
1.9. cv::polyLines()


void polyLines(
    cv::Mat& img, // Image to be drawn on
    const cv::Point* pts, // C-style array of arrays of points
    int npts, // Number of points in 'pts[i]'
    int ncontours, // Number of arrays in 'pts'
    bool isClosed, // If true, connect last and first pts
    const cv::Scalar& color, // Color, BGR form
    int lineType = 8, // Connectedness, 4 or 8
    int shift = 0 // Bits of radius to treat as fraction
1.10. cv::LineIterator


    cv::Mat& img, // Image to be drawn on
    cv::Point pt1, // First endpoint of line
    cv::Point pt2 // Second endpoint of line
    int lineType = 8, // Connectedness, 4 or 8
    bool leftToRight = false // If true, always start steps on the left

2. 注释


2.1 cv::putText()


void cv::putText(
    cv::Mat& img, // Image to be drawn on
    const string& text, // write this (often from cv::format)
    cv::Point origin, // Upper-left corner of text box
    int fontFace, // Font (e.g., cv::FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN)
    double fontScale, // size (a multiplier, not "points"!)
    cv::Scalar color, // Color, RGB form
    int thickness = 1, // Thickness of line
    int lineType = 8, // Connectedness, 4 or 8
    bool bottomLeftOrigin = false // true='origin at lower left'
2.2. cv::getTextSize()


cv::Size cv::getTextSize(
    const string& text,
    cv::Point origin,
    int fontFace,
    double fontScale,
    int thickness,
    int* baseLine



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