java8 lambda判断,Java8 lambda用于检查两个条件

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  • Post category:java

I have the following code snippet which I would try to change to the lambda function.

if(catList != null && catList.size() > 0) {

animalType = AnimalType.CAT;

HttpEntity> request = new HttpEntity<>(catList, headers);

response = restTemplate.postForObject(apiUrl, request, String.class);

} else if(dogList != null && dogList.size() > 0) {

animalType = AnimalType.DOG;

} else {



Somehow I have written like as shown below, but don’t know to incorporate the dogList checking the condition


.map(catList -> {



.orElse(return); //

Can anyone please help me with this


You can have an other Optional inside of the first Optional<