WFDB 软件包介绍

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What is the WFDB Software Package?

Effective use of PhysioBank data requires specialized software.

PhysioBank 数据的有效使用需要专门的软件。

We have developed a large collection of such software over the past twenty years, and much of it is contained within the WFDB (WaveForm DataBase) Software Package, the


ed successor to the MIT

DB Software Package


在过去的20年里,我们开发了一个很大的这样的软件,多数包含在WFDB(波形数据库)软件包中,它是MIT 数据库软件包的GPL协议下的 后继。(DB Software Package是WFDB 的前身)

The major components of the WFDB Software Package are the

WFDB library

, the

WFDB applications

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