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IDEA 常用快捷键

Run cmd + 4

Debug cmd + 5

Terminal option + F12

Distraction Free Mode cmd + shift + F12

Move the current line of code cmd + shift + up/down

Duplicate a line of code cmd + D

Remove a line of code cmd + delete

Comment or uncomment a line of code cmd + /

Comment a block of code cmd + option + /

Find in the currently opened file cmd + F

Find and replace in the current file cmd + R

Next occurrence cmd + G

Previous occurrence cmd + shift + G

Surround with cmd + option + T

Recent File cmd + E

Navigate to Class cmd + O

Navigate to File cmd + shift + O

Navigate to Symbol cmd + option + O

Structure cmd + F12

Search everywhere double shift

Navigate to declaration cmd + B

Navigate to type hierarchy ctrl + H

Show UML pop-up cmd + option + U

Documentation F1

Quick definition option + space

Show usages cmd + option + F7

Show implementation cmd + option + B

Extract variable cmd + option + V

Extract field cmd + option + F

Extract a constant cmd + option + C

Extract method cmd + option + M

Extract paramter cmd + option + P

Finding usages option + F7

Finding usages advanced cmd + shift + option + F7

Inspections option + enter

Reformat code cmd + option + L

Auto-indent lines ctrl + option + I

Optimize imports ctrl + option + O

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