家里服务器架设网站教程,web服务器架设教程 教你如何架设个人网站服务器—-全教程(Web server set up tutorials to teach you how to set up p…

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web服务器架设教程 教你如何架设个人网站服务器—-全教程(Web server set up tutorials to teach you how to set up personal website server —- full tutorial)

web服务器架设教程 教你如何架设个人网站服务器全教程(Web server set up tutorials to teach you how to set up personal website server full tutorial)

Almost every day we browse various websites for various kinds of information, and WWW servers provide such services. At present, many information providers provide payment services set up by WWW servers. In fact, we can build our own WWW personal server, publish some personal information on the Internet, and realize the fun of being an administrator. There are many ways to set up a WWW server, and some mainstream implementations are described below:

1. IIS provided by Microsoft

At present, a large number of WWW servers are set up on Microsoft Corp’s IIS. It uses the WinNT/2000/XP+Internet Information Service environment (IIS), I believe that many users are now using Win2000 or WinXP, Professional and Win2000 in WinXP system, by default, they are not in the initial installation to install IIS (the current version is IIS5.0), so these components will be added to the system go.

Step 1: installation of IIS

A. selects add / Remove Programs in the control panel, and select Add / remove Windows components in the dialog box that appears (Figure 1).

B. in the check box that appears, choose to install the Internet information service (IIS) (Figure 2), which takes about 19MB of space.

C. click next, and put the Win2000 installation disk into the drive, and the installer can copy the program file to the hard disk and click “finish” to complete it.

The second step: the basic configuration of the Web server in IIS

The basic configuration of the Web server in IIS includes the following:

A. open the IIS server configuration window, select “start” to “program”, “management tools”, “Internet service manager”, or “choice”, “control panel”, “management tools” to the Internet service manager can also open the window, as shown in figure 3.

B. in the open window, right-click the default Web site, and select the properties menu.

C. in the default Web site in the proper