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AXI and multi-AHB bus matrixes for interconnecting core, peripherals and memories

16 Kbytes +16 Kbytes of I-cache and D-cache

Up to 2 Mbytes of embedded dual-bank Flash memory, with ECC and Read-While-Write capability

A high-speed master direct memory access (MDMA) controller, two dual-port DMAs with FIFO and request router capabilities for optimal peripheral management, and one additional DMA

Chrom-ART acceleration for efficient 2D image copy and double-precision FPU are also part of the acceleration features available in the device

Peripheral speed independent from CPU speed (dual-clock support) allowing system clock changes without any impact on peripheral operations

Even more peripherals, such as four serial audio inteRFaces (SAI) with SPDIF output support, three full-duplex I²S interfaces, a SPDIF input interface supporting four inputs, two USB OTG with dedicated power supply and Dual-mode Quad-SPI interface, two FD-CAN controllers, a high-resolution timer, a TFT-LCD controller, a JPEG Codec, two SDIO interfaces and many other analog peripherals including three fast 14-bit ADCs, two comparators and two operational amplifiers.

1 Mbyte of SRAM with a scattered architecture:

192 Kbytes of TCM RAM (including 64 Kbytes of ITCM RAM and 128 Kbytes of DTCM RAM for time-critical routines and data), 512 Kbytes, 288 Kbytes and 64 Kbytes of user SRAM, and 4 Kbytes of SRAM in backup domain to keep data in the lowest power modes

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