Android Studio 3.4功能

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Android Studio 3.4 is now available in stable channel. You can download it from



In this quick post, we’ll go through the new feature that came out.

Android Studio 3.4现在可以在稳定频道中使用。 您可以从




Android Studio 3.4功能


Android Studio 3.4 Features


New Project Wizard UI is always enhanced with every new Android Studio update. Here’s a look at the one from 3.4:

新的Android Studio更新始终会增强新的项目向导UI。 下面是3.4版本中的一个:

Android Studio 3.4 New Project Dialog

Android Studio 3.4 New Project Dialog

Android Studio 3.4新建项目对话框



1. Resource Manager


Asset management ( layouts, drawables, colors) and lookup become a headache for larger projects. Resource Manager is the new tool window to switch between different assets. With a better UI and previews in place, it’s easy to locate stuff.

资产管理(布局,可绘制对象,颜色)和查找成为大型项目的头疼问题。 资源管理器是在不同资产之间切换的新工具窗口。 通过更好的用户界面和适当的预览,可以轻松找到内容。

Here’s the first look of the new Resource Manager:


Android Studio 34 Resource Manager

Android Studio 34 Resource Manager

Android Studio 34资源管理器



2. New Project Structure Dialog


A much-needed feature. Now you can change Gradle settings from the Project Structure with a much-improved UI.

一个急需的功能。 现在,您可以使用经过大量改进的UI从项目结构更改Gradle设置。

Android Studio 34 Project Structure Dialog Revamped

Android Studio 34 Project Structure Dialog Revamped

改进了Android Studio 34项目结构对话框



3. Layout Editor Attributes Inspector


The Attributes inspector is much improved and clear in its UI.

It consists of collapsible sections of attributes. A much better color picker is available.

Here’s the look for it:


它由属性的可折叠部分组成。 可以使用更好的颜色选择器。


Android Studio 34 Layout Editor Attributes

Android Studio 34 Layout Editor Attributes

Android Studio 34布局编辑器属性

4. R8取代Proguard


4. R8 replaces Proguard


After staying on the bench for too long, R8 has now replaced Proguard as the default code shrinker. It was always efficient than Proguard. R8 would be the default code shrinker from 3.4 gradle.

在板凳上呆了很长时间之后,R8现在取代了Proguard,成为默认的代码收缩器。 它总是比Proguard高效。 R8是3.4 gradle中的默认代码收缩器。

5.新的Android Q模拟器皮肤


5. New Android Q Emulator Skins


Android Studio 3.4 update brings to us new Emulator Skins for Testing on Android Q.

Android Studio 3.4更新为我们带来了用于在Android Q上进行测试的新模拟器皮肤。

Other changes include improved build speed and lint performance.


That’s a wrap up on this post about Android Studio 3.4 and its features. Go ahead and start using it.

这是有关Android Studio 3.4及其功能的这篇文章的总结。 继续并开始使用它。
