矩阵的次方 matlab,Matlab矩阵幂运算

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help mpower

^ Matrix power.

Z = X^y is X to the y power if y is a scalar and X is square. If y

is an integer greater than one, the power is computed by repeated

squaring. For other values of y the calculation involves

eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

Z = x^Y is x to the Y power if Y is a square matrix and x is a scalar.

Computed using eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

Z = X^Y, where both X and Y are matrices, is an error.

C = MPOWER(A,B) is called for the syntax ‘A ^ B’ when A or B is an


See also power.矩阵幂运算

Z = X^y,这里X是矩阵y是标量。如果y是一个比0大的整数,幂运算表示相同矩阵乘积,如果y取其他值,需要计算特征值和特征向量

Z = x^Y,这里Y是矩阵x是标量。使用特征值和特征向量进行计算

Z = X^Y,X和Y都是矩阵时,不能运算
