cloudberry with walrus

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is an open source software framework for cloud computing that implements what is commonly referred to as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Eucalyptus software provides users with the ability to run and control isolated collections of virtual machine instances with many EC2/S3-compatible tools.


is a storage service included with Eucalyptus that is

interface compatible


Amazon S3

. Walrus allows users to store persistent data, organized as buckets and objects. We are proud to announce

CloudBerry Explorer

support for



Full description of installation / configuration of Eucalyptus is outside of this article scope, and we suggest that you check out


website for more details.

To register your Walrus accounts go to File | Walrus Accounts in the program menu. This will open the dialog you are already familiar with. You will have to specify Service Point, Access and Secret key and click ok.


For the

Service Point

take the IP address and the port number of your Eucalyptus installation and add /services/Walrus to the end. Don’t use http:// at the beginning. You should have something like this:


: This is a default Service Point and it could be modified using Walrus config files.

To find the connection data login to your Eucalyptus Management console and whole on the


screen scroll down to Query interface credentials section. Click

Show keys

button. Basically

Query ID


Access Key


Secret key

is what it says.


Your new Walrus account will become available in the list of other accounts. Now you can create buckets and copy file to / from your Walrus account just like you would to Amazon S3 account.



It is worth mentioning though that Eucalyptus used to provide a test bed for those who wanted to explorer its functionality not installing the software locally. Due to the popularity of the test bed the service is temporary unavailable as Eucalyptus team is moving it to more powerful hardware. I suggest that you visit their


later to check for announcements.

CloudBerry S3 Explorer

is a Windows freeware product that helps managing

Amazon S3

storage and


. You can download it at

CloudBerry S3 Explorer PRO

is a Windows program that helps managing

Amazon S3

storage and


. You can download it at

It is currently in beta and free for all users. You can download it at

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