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In the previous chapter, we learnt how to configure the Jenkins and start the server and see its GUI for other basic configurations. In this chapter will learn about configuring the JDK in Jenkins. Since Jenkins is commonly used for building and deploying the java applications, it offers excellent features for the same.

在上一章中,我们学习了如何配置Jenkins和启动服务器,以及如何查看其GUI的其他基本配置。 在本章中,将学习有关在Jenkins中配置JDK的信息。 由于Jenkins通常用于构建和部署Java应用程序,因此它提供了出色的功能。

As a default one, Jenkins will use the java version which it find from the system path. This is which the Jenkins itself running under. However there may be scenarios where there is a need to configure more than one version of the JDK. Consider, in the production system the application might be running on JDK 5 and in some QA platform higher version of the JDK may be required in order to perform some specific tests e.g. performance issues.