MindSpore解读评注(10) 对ccsrc\pipeline\jit\parse\function_block.h的部分注释

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function_block 1

function_block 1







#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <unordered_map>//无序图库
#include <memory>
#include <utility>定义标准模块库(STL)类型.函数和运算符

#include "pipeline/jit/parse/parse_base.h"
#include "utils/log_adapter.h"
#include "utils/ordered_set.h"

namespace mindspore {//创建一个名为mindspore的空间,并在其中嵌套一个名为parse解析器(作语法分析)的空间
namespace parse {

class Parser;//解析类
class NameSpace;//命名空间类
class Symbol;//符号类
class FunctionBlock;//功能块类
using FunctionBlockPtr = std::shared_ptr<FunctionBlock>;//使用功能块类这个空间

// A function block is a straight-line code sequence with no branches, every block has one one exit point
// which is return. When parsing function, loop or branch , we use function block to track the structure of
// the original source code.
class FunctionBlock : public std::enable_shared_from_this<FunctionBlock> {//从该站点启用共享
  explicit FunctionBlock(const Parser &parser);
  virtual ~FunctionBlock() {}

  FuncGraphPtr func_graph() { return func_graph_; }//获取函数图
  void WriteVariable(const std::string &var_name, const AnfNodePtr &node);//写入变量
  AnfNodePtr ReadVariable(const std::string &var_name);//读变量
  void AddPrevBlock(const FunctionBlockPtr &block);//添加块
  void SetPhiArgument(const ParameterPtr &phi);//设置φ参数
  bool CollectRemovablePhi(const ParameterPtr &phi);//判断是否可收集可移除的PHI
  // A block is matured if all its predecessors is generated
  void Mature();
  CNodePtr ForceToBoolNode(const AnfNodePtr &cond);//强制布尔节点
  CNodePtr ForceToWhileCond(const AnfNodePtr &cond);//强制至毫秒
  void Jump(const FunctionBlockPtr &block, const AnfNodePtr &node);//跳转操作
  AnfNodePtr SearchReplaceNode(const std::string &var, const ParameterPtr &phi);//搜索替换节点
  void ConditionalJump(AnfNodePtr condNode, const FunctionBlockPtr &trueBlock, const FunctionBlockPtr &falseBlock,
                       bool unroll_loop = true);
  // Create cnode for the assign statement like self.target = source.
  void SetStateAssign(const AnfNodePtr &target, const AnfNodePtr &source);//设置状态分配
  void AddGlobalVar(const std::string &var_name) { (void)global_vars_.insert(var_name); }//添加全局变量
  bool IsGlobalVar(const std::string &var_name) { return global_vars_.find(var_name) != global_vars_.end(); }//判断是否是全局变量
  AnfNodePtr MakeResolveAstOp(const py::object &op);
  AnfNodePtr MakeResolveClassMember(const std::string &attr);//使解析类成为成员
  AnfNodePtr MakeResolveSymbol(const std::string &value);//生成解析符号
  AnfNodePtr MakeResolveOperation(const std::string &value);//进行解析操作
  AnfNodePtr MakeResolve(const std::shared_ptr<NameSpace> &name_space, const std::shared_ptr<Symbol> &resolve_symbol);
  const std::unordered_map<ParameterPtr, AnfNodePtr> &removable_phis() const { return removable_phis_; }
  void FindIsolatedNodes();//查找被分离的节点
  void AddIsolatedNode(const AnfNodePtr &target);//添加隔离节点
  void AttachIsolatedNodesBeforeReturn();//在返回之前附加隔离节点

  // Block graph
  FuncGraphPtr func_graph_;

  // Block parser
  const Parser &parser_;

  // A block is matured if all its prev_blocks is processed
  // 如果一个区块的所有上一个区块都被处理,则该区块将到期
  bool matured_;

  // Store the nest-level block.
  // Refer to comments in Parser::func_block_list_;
  //请参阅Parser::func\u block\u list\ux中的注释;
  std::vector<FunctionBlock *> prev_blocks_;

  // Store args and variable's node, use a bool flag to indicate if the variable is used.
  std::map<std::string, std::pair<AnfNodePtr, bool>> vars_;

  // Map the parameter node to variable, it can be resolved if the block's predecessors are processed
  // 将参数节点映射到变量,如果处理块的前置项,则可以解析该变量
  std::map<ParameterPtr, std::string> phi_nodes_;

  // Jumps map the successor block and the function call that perform jump
  // Refer to comments in Parser::func_block_list_ that how to break the cyclic reference
  std::map<FunctionBlock *, CNodePtr> jumps_;

  // Keep all removable phis which will be removed in one pass.
  std::unordered_map<ParameterPtr, AnfNodePtr> removable_phis_;

  // Keep the map for the resolve node to the removable phi node.
  // For the case that ReadVariable returns a phi node although this phi node
  // generated in the prev block is identified as removable. The other blocks
  // should find this phi node.
  std::unordered_map<AnfNodePtr, ParameterPtr> resolve_to_removable_phis_;

  // Hold declared global variables in function
  std::set<std::string> global_vars_;

  // Keep new made resolve symbol for the variable not found in vars_.
  std::unordered_map<std::string, AnfNodePtr> var_to_resolve_;

  // Isolated nodes.
  // 孤立节点。
  OrderedSet<AnfNodePtr> isolated_nodes_;//包含孤立节点的有序集

}  // namespace parse
}  // namespace mindspore



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