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<script src="VideoFrame.js"></script>
<script src="https://apps.bdimg.com/libs/jquery/2.1.4/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="frame" >  
 <video height="100%"  id="video">
 <source src="./916.MP4"></source>	
<canvas id="mycanvas" width="500" height="300" style="border: 1px solid blue;">
<div class="frame2">
  <span id="currentFrame">0</span>
<div id="controls">
  <button id="play-pause">Play</button>

height: 300;
width: 700;
border:1px solid red

height: 300;
width: 500;
z-index: 20;
height: 300;
width: 300;
font-size: 80;
color: red;

var currentFrame = $('#currentFrame');
var canvas=$('#mycanvas')
var video = VideoFrame({
    id : 'video',
    frameRate: 15,  //帧率
    callback : function(frame) { 
	var c= document.getElementById("mycanvas");
	var a=c.getContext("2d");
	a.strokeStyle = "red"; 
// 5 
// if(frame==135){
// let div = document.getElementById("play-pause");
// div.click();
// 	 }
	      a.strokeRect(15, 15, 20, 20);
		a.clearRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height); //清空这个范围的画布


 * @class
 * @classdesc Main VideoFrame Implementation.
 * @param {Object} options - Configuration object for initialization.  用于初始化的配置对象
var VideoFrame = function(options) {
	if (this === window) { return new VideoFrame(options); }
	this.obj = options || {};
	this.frameRate = this.obj.frameRate || 24;
	this.video = document.getElementById(this.obj.id) || document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0];

 * FrameRates - Industry standard frame rates 行业标准帧率
 * @namespace
 * @type {Object}
 * @property {Number} film - 24
 * @property {Number} NTSC - 29.97
 * @property {Number} NTSC_Film - 23.98
 * @property {Number} NTSC_HD - 59.94
 * @property {Number} PAL - 25
 * @property {Number} PAL_HD - 50
 * @property {Number} web - 30
 * @property {Number} high - 60
var FrameRates = {
	film: 24,
	NTSC : 29.97,
	NTSC_Film: 23.98,
	NTSC_HD : 59.94,
	PAL: 25,
	PAL_HD: 50,
	web: 30,
	high: 60

VideoFrame.prototype = {
	 * Returns the current frame number
	 * @return {Number} - Frame number in video
	get : function() {
		return Math.floor(this.video.currentTime.toFixed(5) * this.frameRate);
	 * Event listener for handling callback execution at double the current frame rate interval
	 * @param  {String} format - Accepted formats are: SMPTE, time, frame
	 * @param  {Number} tick - Number to set the interval by.
	 * @return {Number} Returns a value at a set interval
	listen : function(format, tick) {
		var _video = this;
		if (!format) { console.log('VideoFrame: Error - The listen method requires the format parameter.'); return; }
		this.interval = setInterval(function() {
			if (_video.video.paused || _video.video.ended) { return; }
			var frame = ((format === 'SMPTE') ? _video.toSMPTE() : ((format === 'time') ? _video.toTime() : _video.get()));
			if (_video.obj.callback) { _video.obj.callback(frame, format); }
			return frame;
		}, (tick ? tick : 1000 / _video.frameRate / 2));
	/** Clears the current interval */
	stopListen : function() {
		var _video = this;
	fps : FrameRates

 * Returns the current time code in the video in HH:MM:SS format
 * - used internally for conversion to SMPTE format.
 * @param  {Number} frames - The current time in the video
 * @return {String} Returns the time code in the video
VideoFrame.prototype.toTime = function(frames) {
	var time = (typeof frames !== 'number' ? this.video.currentTime : frames), frameRate = this.frameRate;
	var dt = (new Date()), format = 'hh:mm:ss' + (typeof frames === 'number' ? ':ff' : '');
	dt.setHours(0); dt.setMinutes(0); dt.setSeconds(0); dt.setMilliseconds(time * 1000);
	function wrap(n) { return ((n < 10) ? '0' + n : n); }
	return format.replace(/hh|mm|ss|ff/g, function(format) {
		switch (format) {
			case "hh": return wrap(dt.getHours() < 13 ? dt.getHours() : (dt.getHours() - 12));
			case "mm": return wrap(dt.getMinutes());
			case "ss": return wrap(dt.getSeconds());
			case "ff": return wrap(Math.floor(((time % 1) * frameRate)));

 * Returns the current SMPTE Time code in the video.
 * - Can be used as a conversion utility.
 * @param  {Number} frame - OPTIONAL: Frame number for conversion to it's equivalent SMPTE Time code.
 * @return {String} Returns a SMPTE Time code in HH:MM:SS:FF format
VideoFrame.prototype.toSMPTE = function(frame) {
	if (!frame) { return this.toTime(this.video.currentTime); }
	var frameNumber = Number(frame);
	var fps = this.frameRate;
	function wrap(n) { return ((n < 10) ? '0' + n : n); }
	var _hour = ((fps * 60) * 60), _minute = (fps * 60);
	var _hours = (frameNumber / _hour).toFixed(0);
	var _minutes = (Number((frameNumber / _minute).toString().split('.')[0]) % 60);
	var _seconds = (Number((frameNumber / fps).toString().split('.')[0]) % 60);
	var SMPTE = (wrap(_hours) + ':' + wrap(_minutes) + ':' + wrap(_seconds) + ':' + wrap(frameNumber % fps));
	return SMPTE;

 * Converts a SMPTE Time code to Seconds
 * @param  {String} SMPTE - a SMPTE time code in HH:MM:SS:FF format
 * @return {Number} Returns the Second count of a SMPTE Time code
VideoFrame.prototype.toSeconds = function(SMPTE) {
	if (!SMPTE) { return Math.floor(this.video.currentTime); }
	var time = SMPTE.split(':');
	return (((Number(time[0]) * 60) * 60) + (Number(time[1]) * 60) + Number(time[2]));

 * Converts a SMPTE Time code, or standard time code to Milliseconds
 * @param  {String} SMPTE OPTIONAL: a SMPTE time code in HH:MM:SS:FF format,
 * or standard time code in HH:MM:SS format.
 * @return {Number} Returns the Millisecond count of a SMPTE Time code
VideoFrame.prototype.toMilliseconds = function(SMPTE) {
	var frames = (!SMPTE) ? Number(this.toSMPTE().split(':')[3]) : Number(SMPTE.split(':')[3]);
	var milliseconds = (1000 / this.frameRate) * (isNaN(frames) ? 0 : frames);
	return Math.floor(((this.toSeconds(SMPTE) * 1000) + milliseconds));

 * Converts a SMPTE Time code to it's equivalent frame number
 * @param  {String} SMPTE - OPTIONAL: a SMPTE time code in HH:MM:SS:FF format
 * @return {Number} Returns the long running video frame number
VideoFrame.prototype.toFrames = function(SMPTE) {
	var time = (!SMPTE) ? this.toSMPTE().split(':') : SMPTE.split(':');
	var frameRate = this.frameRate;
	var hh = (((Number(time[0]) * 60) * 60) * frameRate);
	var mm = ((Number(time[1]) * 60) * frameRate);
	var ss = (Number(time[2]) * frameRate);
	var ff = Number(time[3]);
	return Math.floor((hh + mm + ss + ff));

 * Private - seek method used internally for the seeking functionality.
 * @param  {String} direction - Accepted Values are: forward, backward
 * @param  {Number} frames - Number of frames to seek by.
VideoFrame.prototype.__seek = function(direction, frames) {
	if (!this.video.paused) { this.video.pause(); }
	var frame = Number(this.get());
	/** To seek forward in the video, we must add 0.00001 to the video runtime for proper interactivity */
	this.video.currentTime = ((((direction === 'backward' ? (frame - frames) : (frame + frames))) / this.frameRate) + 0.00001);

 * Seeks forward [X] amount of frames in the video.
 * @param  {Number} frames - Number of frames to seek by.
 * @param  {Function} callback - Callback function to execute once seeking is complete.
VideoFrame.prototype.seekForward = function(frames, callback) {
	if (!frames) { frames = 1; }
	this.__seek('forward', Number(frames));
	return (callback ? callback() : true);

 * Seeks backward [X] amount of frames in the video.
 * @param  {Number} frames - Number of frames to seek by.
 * @param  {Function} callback - Callback function to execute once seeking is complete.
VideoFrame.prototype.seekBackward = function(frames, callback) {
	if (!frames) { frames = 1; }
	this.__seek('backward', Number(frames));
	return (callback ? callback() : true);

 * For seeking to a certain SMPTE time code, standard time code, frame, second, or millisecond in the video.
 * - Was previously deemed not feasible. Veni, vidi, vici.
 * @param  {Object} option - Configuration Object for seeking allowed keys are SMPTE, time, frame, seconds, and milliseconds
 * example: { SMPTE: '00:01:12:22' }, { time: '00:01:12' },  { frame: 1750 }, { seconds: 72 }, { milliseconds: 72916 }
VideoFrame.prototype.seekTo = function(config) {
	var obj = config || {}, seekTime, SMPTE;
	/** Only allow one option to be passed */
	var option = Object.keys(obj)[0];

	if (option == 'SMPTE' || option == 'time') {
		SMPTE = obj[option];
		seekTime = ((this.toMilliseconds(SMPTE) / 1000) + 0.001);
		this.video.currentTime = seekTime;

	switch(option) {
		case 'frame':
			SMPTE = this.toSMPTE(obj[option]);
			seekTime = ((this.toMilliseconds(SMPTE) / 1000) + 0.001);
		case 'seconds':
			seekTime = Number(obj[option]);
		case 'milliseconds':
			seekTime = ((Number(obj[option]) / 1000) + 0.001);
	if (!isNaN(seekTime)) {
		this.video.currentTime = seekTime;

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