Independent Component Analysis (ICA)

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Independent Component Analysis (ICA)

Zhang Bing 171848


1. Study the concept and methods of ICA in the handout and the text book

2. Explore the audio recording the processing functions of Matlab

3. Record mixed signals using one of the following methods:

a)  Select at least 3 audio sources and use the equivalent number of microphones at different positions to record the multiple channels of mixed audio signals for 5 ~ 10 seconds simultaneously.

b)  Select at least 3 audio sources and use one microphone to record the audio signal from each source for 5 ~ 10 seconds, then generate the equivalent number of mixed signals with different linear combinations of the recorded signals

Note: method a) is preferred, because it is more “real”.

4. Apply ICA on the mixed audio signals and see whether the original

signals can be recovered successfully


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