mac iphone模拟器_在Mac上找到iPhone和iPad模拟器

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mac iphone模拟器

iPhone Simulator

I recently received a new MacBook Pro and started configuring debugging tools I had debugged ages ago on my personal machine.  In doing so, I completely forgot that the iOS Simulator provided by XCode isn’t added directly to the Applications directory;  instead, you have to dig into the following directory to get to it:

我最近收到了一台新的MacBook Pro,并开始在个人计算机上配置以前调试过的调试工具。 这样做,我完全忘记了XCode提供的iOS模拟器并没有直接添加到Applications目录中。 相反,您必须深入以下目录才能进入该目录:


Since I don’t like hassles, and you probably don’t either, I quickly created a symbolic link for the Applications directory to alleviate the pain:


ln -s /Applications/\ /Applications/iPhone\

And with that bit of help, I can easily get to my iOS emulator, and then open iWebInspector and other mobile debugging tools.  Sweet!

有了这些帮助,我可以轻松地进入我的iOS模拟器,然后打开iWebInspector和其他移动调试工具。 甜!


mac iphone模拟器