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1、版本们:llvm(2.9);llvm-gcc(直接下llvm 2.9 对应的binaries版本);gcc(4.7,至少我是在这个版本上成功的);

2、 while making llvm, remember to include <unistd.h> in /home/qingjinlyc/IDEs/llvm-2.9/lib/ExecutionEngine/JIT/Intercept.c/bin/sh:pp IF you`re unsing gcc 4.7
also, before build llvm,


to add llvm-gcc to your PATH!!!!
3. remember to specify following parameters after configure for llvm-gcc: –disable-threads –disable-nls –disable-shared –enable-languages=c,c++ –disable-c-mbchar –program-prefix=llvm- –enable-llvm=/usr/build/llvm  (

I strongly recommend use binaries of llvm-gcc directly!!!

4. 要想build release版本的llvm,在configure的时候加参数–enable-optimized(

It is recommended because klee is slow with debug version of llvm

5. 一定一定记得加环境变量  C_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/(

But check /usr/include first, to make sure whether some of the hearders files needed is in /usr/inculde/i386-linux-gnu

6. 一定一定记住:在


下建立存放目标文件的文件夹!!!!!! (

Again, I strongly recommend use binaries of llvm-gcc directly!!!

7. When configure klee with option –with-stp=path/to/stp, you may got error like ‘cannot use stp/c_interface.h’, which is the consequence of stp didn`t place its headers file in the place(/usr/include/stp) where klee expects. So, just cp the needed header files to the right possition.
(2013年2月23日,在实验室的PC上装LLVM-GCC时候,老是报错configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables。搞了好长时间,查了好多资料,几乎快疯了
为什么ubuntu 12.04的include都放在/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu里面呢,而很多程序都是到/usr/include里面找的
问题是,build LLVM需要llvm-gcc,好,但是,build LLVM-GCC的时候又要llvm,这不是死锁了嘛!
2、先不要–with-llvmgcc和–with-llvmg++来build llvm——

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