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show tables like '*name*';

desc table_name; desc formatted table_name;

show partitions table_name;

load data local inpath '/xxx/test.txt' overwrite into table dm.table_name;

insert overwrite table table_name partition(dt) select * from table_name;

insert overwrite local directory '/tmp/text' select a.* from table_name a order by 1;

alter table old_table_name rename to new_table_name;

create table new_table_name like table_name;

alter table table_name add columns(columns_values bigint comment 'comm_text');

alter table table_name change old_column new_column string comment 'comm_text';

alter table table_name drop partition(dt='2022-04-30');

alter table table_name add partition (dt='2022-04-30');

drop database myhive2;

drop database myhive2 cascade;

drop table test_table5;

truncate table test_table6;

insert into table test_table partition(month ='202207') values ('001','002','100');

load data local inpath '/export/data/hivedatas/test_table.csv' overwrite into table test_table partition(month='201806');

insert overwrite table test_table2 partition(month = '202206') select s_id,c_id,s_test_table from test_table1;

create table test_table2 as select * from test_table1;

create external table test_table6 (s_id string,c_id string,s_test_table int) row format delimited fields terminated by ',' location '/mytest_table';

create table test_table2 like test_table; --依据已有表结构创建表
export table test_table to '/export/test_table';
import table test_table2 from '/export/test_table';

insert overwrite local directory '/export/data/exporthive' select * from test_table;

insert overwrite local directory '/export/data/exporthive' row format delimited fields terminated by '\t' collection items terminated by '#' select * from student;

insert overwrite directory '/export/data/exporthive' row format delimited fields terminated by '\t' collection items terminated by '#' select * from test_table;

dfs -get /export/data/exporthive/000000_0 /export/data/exporthive/local.txt;

--hive表中数据导出(hive shell 命令导出)
--hive shell 命令导出(hive -f/-e 执行语句或者脚本 > file)
hive -e "select * from myhive.test_table;" > /export/data/exporthive/test_table.txt
hive -f export.sh > /export/data/exporthive/test_table.txt

export table test_table to '/export/exporthive/test_table';

row format delimited fields terminated by '\t'

row format delimited lines terminated by '\n'

stored as textfile

hive -e 'select table_cloum from table'执行一个查询,在终端上显示mapreduce的进度,执行完毕后,最后把查询结果输出到终端上,接着hive进程退出,不会进入交互模式

hive -S -e 'select table_cloum from table' -S,终端上的输出不会有mapreduce的进度,执行完毕,只会把查询结果输出到终端上。

Hive SQL 语法大全 整理


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