2019/07/21_后生动物转录因子的早期进化 Early evolution of metazoan transcription factors_(lab paper)

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title: Early evolution of metazoan transcription factors

1. 发现大多数转录因子(Tf)家族起源于动物王国的黎明,是在当代动物谱系分化之前,在生物发育过程中表达的家族。

A large majority of the signaling pathway components and transcription factors (TFs) that lie at the heart of bilaterian developmental

gene regulatory networks (GRNs).

Also exist in sponges, placozoans, and cnidarians.

Last common ancestor to all living metazoans (LCAM)

The interaction between a TF and its target cis-regulatory elements is central to GRN outputs, and ultimately to the expression of cell lineage-specific and territory-specific differentiation products. 转录因子和它的靶顺式作用元件的相互作用是基因调节网络的关键。并最终表达细胞系特异性和地域特异性分化产物。






,如helix–loop–helix (bHLH), Mef2, Fox, Sox, T-box, ETS, nuclear receptor, Rel/NF-kB, bZIP, Smad, and diversity of homeobox-containing classes, including ANTP, Prd-like, Pax, POU, LIM-HD, Six, and

TALE。 栉水母类动物也有许多典型的转录因子家族。


a (




of several


or groups of animals together based on shared


, etc。


Members of many of these gene families and classes are positioned within known bilaterian developmental GRNs, where they often have conserved roles and localized developmental expression patterns. 许多这些基因家族存在于已知的两侧对称动物的GRN中,在这个调节网络中它们有保守的角色和发育表达模式。

后生动物基因组zootype 也包括转录因子涉及到的信号通路。

##后生动物转录因子基因家族的发生 三种类型

The genesis of metazoan-specific TFs can be classed into three groups。 these are type I, II, and III novelties.

Animal TF genes that have no clear relatives outside the Metazoa are considered a

type I novelty

and currently include ETS and nuclear receptor families。




POU, Pax, and Six homeobox classes all can be classified as

type II novelties

, where the animal restricted POU, Six, and Pax domains are combined with the more ancient homeodomain to produce the metazoan novelty。


type III novelties

are those where ancient premetazoan domains combine in novel ways to generate a metazoan specific domain architecture;



The cnidarian Nematostella has a TF gene content that is remarkably similar to bilaterians, being in general two to three times larger than is observed in Amphimedon or Trichoplax.

Given that cnidarians are classified consistently as the sister group to the bilaterians. 刺胞动物和两侧对称动物。



we can nonetheless use gene phylogenies to identify orthologs in distant taxa and uncover the minimal number of

gene families and classes in a particular group of animals.


first, the origin of all the major metazoan-specific classes, often from a more ancestral prototype.  首先,所有后生动物进化的起源是从一个更古老的类型。

second, an initial expansion phase before the divergence of sponge and eumetazoan lineages. 其次,一个最初的扩张阶段在海绵动物和真后生动物系的分化之前。

third, a second period of expansion early in eumetazoan evolution, resulting often in a twofold to fourfold increase in gene number. 然后, 第二次扩张发生在早期真后生动物进化, 通常导致基因数量增加两到四倍。

four, a third and typically less extensive phase of expansion in the bilaterian stem。第三次典型的不太广泛扩张发生在两侧对称动物系。


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