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  1. FASTQ_format


  2. NSC_2011_Illumina_fastqAndQC

    Illumina fastq 格式官方文档

fastq 文件质量控制

  1. fastqc

    CommandLine Demo:./FastQC/fastqc -o ./ –extract -f fastq -t 4 -q file.fq.gz

  2. solexaQA

    Dependency:R, gcc, perl

  3. fastx toolkit

    Dependency: g++, PerlIO::gzip, GD::Graph::bars, sed, gnuplot

    • fastx_clipper:

      截3’端 adaptor的程序,仅支持单端测序
    • fastx_trimmer:

    • fastx_quality_stats:


    • fastq_to_fasta:

    • fastq_quality_filter:

    • fastq_quality_trimmer:

      根据质量值截取序列,质量值低的3’ end部分将会被截短,如果截取之后剩余长度不足最小长度阈值,则这条read将会被过滤掉
    • fastx_reverse_complement:

    • fastx_collapser:

      输出每条序列及其出现的频数(duplication level)
    • fastx_uncollapser:

    • fasta_formatter:

    • fasta_nucleotide_changer:

    • fastx_renamer:

      用read序号数作为read name
    • fastq_masker:

      将read中低于质量值阈值的碱基 mask成其他字符(’.’ or ‘N’)


      同上,做stacked barplot图

      根据fastq文件的5‘end or 3’end 固定长度的序列种类,来分割子文件,可容mismatch容gap

      对fastx_clipper, fastx_trimmer, fastq_quality_trimmer处理的结果做统计,画长度分布图。

  4. fastq-tools

    Dependency: gcc,prce

    • fastq-grep: find reads matching a regular-expression
    • fastq-kmers: count k-mer occurances
    • fastq-match: local alignment of a sequence to each read
    • fastq-sample: randomly sample reads with or without replacement
    • fastq-sort: sort fastq files
    • fastq-uniq: filter reads with identical sequences

  5. flexbar

    • Description:

      flexbar支持多线程 adaptor clipper,支持Pair End,支持 barcode trimmer,支持多种截取模式
    • Dependency:

      • g++

      • tbb

        为并行任务 设计的c++模板库

      • seqan

        有名的生物数据处理 C++底层库,提供多种文件格式、数据结构和算法支持
    • CommandLine Demo:

      flexbar -n 4 -at 2 -u 1 -m 20 -ao 5 -f i1.8 -a $adaptor --reads $indir/$fastq1 --reads2 $indir/$fastq2 -z GZ -t $outfile_prefix > $outfile_prefix.flexbar.log

  6. trimmomatic

    A flexible read trimming tool for Illumina NGS data

    Dependency: java

    • Pair End Demo:

      java -jar trimmomatic-0.30.jar PE -phred33 input_forward.fq.gz input_reverse.fq.gz output_forward_paired.fq.gz output_forward_unpaired.fq.gz output_reverse_paired.fq.gz output_reverse_unpaired.fq.gz ILLUMINACLIP:TruSeq3-PE.fa:2:30:10 LEADING:3 TRAILING:3 SLIDINGWINDOW:4:15 MINLEN:36
    • Single End Demo:

      java -jar trimmomatic-0.30.jar SE -phred33 input.fq.gz output.fq.gz ILLUMINACLIP:TruSeq3-SE:2:30:10 LEADING:3 TRAILING:3 SLIDINGWINDOW:4:15 MINLEN:36

  7. seqtk

    Dependency: gcc

  8. Fqutils

    Dependency: gcc

    • fqu_are_paired

      Checks if two files are associated pairwise: Does the first record appearing in FASTQ file_1 have the same identifier as the first record in FASTQ file_2? …, etc.
    • fqu_cat

      Like Unix cat, but for files in FASTQ format. Assuming well-formed input the output is guaranteed to be in lazy-FASTQ records. Especially useful when your own parsers assume this simpler format.
    • fqu_cull

      Reports a subset of a FASTQ stream, based on a collection of identifiers.
    • fqu_degen

      Replaces A, C, G, T with degenerate codes. Options include conversion to purines and pyrimidines (A, G -> R and C, T -> Y) and to a GC representation (C, G -> S and A, T -> W).
    • fqu_rselect

      Randomly select a subset of records from FASTQ input.
    • fqu_splitq

      Segregate FASTQ input into two output files, based on a collection of identifiers.
    • fqu_summary

      Generate summary statistics for FASTQ input. These include total record (sequence) count, maximum sequence size, a estimation of the quality offset (33 or 64), basecounts per position, a GC content histogram, and per position quartiles of the qualities.
    • fqu_tidy

      Write FASTQ output based on FASTQ input. Like fqu_cat, output is guaranteed to be in four line records. Provides a “–squash” option for reducing the size of each record, currently by ignoring the second header, and a “–tab-delimited” option if you happen to want the output stream in a four column format. These single line records can be particularly convenient for internal processing pipelines.
    • fqu_wc

      Generates word (kmer) counts for FASTQ input.

  9. SeqPrep
  10. homerTools


  1. BEETL-fastq

  2. fastqz

  3. scalce

  4. DSRC


  1. XS

  2. wgsim

    Program: wgsim (short read simulator)
    Version: 0.3.0
    Contact: Heng Li <>
    Usage:   wgsim [options] <in.ref.fa> <out.read1.fq> <out.read2.fq>
    Options: -e FLOAT      base error rate [0.020]
             -d INT        outer distance between the two ends [500]
             -s INT        standard deviation [50]
             -N INT        number of read pairs [1000000]
             -1 INT        length of the first read [70]
             -2 INT        length of the second read [70]
             -r FLOAT      rate of mutations [0.0010]
             -R FLOAT      fraction of indels [0.15]
             -X FLOAT      probability an indel is extended [0.30]
             -S INT        seed for random generator [-1]
             -h            haplotype mode


  1. khmer

  2. KMC


    genome size estimating based on kmer-counting\_genome\

  4. BF Counter

Pair End read 连接

  1. fastq-join

    Usage: fastq-join [options] <read1.fq> <read2.fq> [mate.fq] -o <read.%.fq>
    Joins two paired-end reads on the overlapping ends.
    -o FIL          See &apos;Output&apos; below
    -v C            Verifies that the 2 files probe id&apos;s match up to char C
              use &apos;/&apos; for Illumina reads
    -p N            N-percent maximum difference (8)
    -m N            N-minimum overlap (6)
    -r FIL          Verbose stitch length report
    -R              No reverse complement
    -V              Show version
      You can supply 3 -o arguments, for un1, un2, join files, or one argument as a file name template.  The suffix &apos;un1, un2, or join&apos; is appended to the file, or they replace a %-character if present.
      If a &apos;mate&apos; input file is present (barcode read), then the files&apos;un3&apos; and &apos;join2&apos; are also created.
      Files named ".gz" are assumed to be compressed, and can be read/written as long as "gzip" is in the path.

  2. COPE

  3. PEAR

  4. FLASH


  5. reptile

    Dependency:make, g++, perl

  6. quake

  7. LSC

    for PacBio long read error correction

(本文由GeneDock公司 Senior Bioinformatics Engineer 许雄撰写,转载请保留作者信息和原文链接)


  1. FASTQ_format


  2. NSC_2011_Illumina_fastqAndQC

    Illumina fastq 格式官方文档

fastq 文件质量控制

  1. fastqc

    CommandLine Demo:./FastQC/fastqc -o ./ –extract -f fastq -t 4 -q file.fq.gz

  2. solexaQA

    Dependency:R, gcc, perl