Function FindAll(outDict As Object, what As String, scrRngs As Range, Optional isOne As Boolean = False)
'what 参数2: 要查找的数据
'scrRngs 参数3: 查找的范围 , 包含二维数组或一维数组的单元格
'outDict 参数1: 考虑会有多个结果,使用字典存储单元格地址
' key存储单元格地址,item存储数组坐标
'isOne 参数4: 可选,默认是False.设置True,找到一个结果后就结束.
If scrRngs.Count < 2 Then '如果传进来的单元格只有一个
If what = scrRngs.Value Then
outDict.Add scrRngs.Address, "1-1"
FindAll = True
Exit Function
FindAll = False
Exit Function
End If
arr = scrRngs.Value
arr_min = LBound(arr) '数组最小元素
arr_max_row = UBound(arr) '二维数组的最大行数
arr_max_col = UBound(arr, 2) '二维数组的最大列数
FindAll = False
For Row = 1 To arr_max_row
For col = 1 To arr_max_col
If CStr(arr(Row, col)) = CStr(what) Then
outDict.Add scrRngs.Cells(Row, col).Address, Row & "-" & col
FindAll = True
If isOne Then Exit Function
End If
End If
End Function
Function FindColumn(outDict As Object, what As String, scrRngs As Range, Optional Column As Integer = 1, Optional Offset As Integer = 0, Optional isOne As Boolean = False)
'what 参数2: 要查找的数据
'scrRngs 参数3: 查找的范围 , 包含二维数组或一维数组的单元格
'Column 参数4: 在哪一列查找
'outDict 参数1: 考虑会有多个结果,使用字典存储单元格地址
' key存储单元格地址,item存储偏移后单元格地址
'Offset 参数5: 找到后向左右偏移的量,正数向右,负数向左
'isOne 参数6: 可选,默认是False.设置True,找到一个结果后就结束.
If scrRngs.Count < 2 Then '如果传进来的单元格只有一个
If what = scrRngs.Value Then
outDict.Add scrRngs.Address, "1-1"
FindColumn = True
Exit Function
FindColumn = False
Exit Function
End If
arr = scrRngs.Value
arr_min = LBound(arr) '数组最小元素
arr_max_row = UBound(arr) '二维数组的最大行数
arr_max_col = UBound(arr, 2) '二维数组的最大列数
If Column + Offset > arr_max_col Then '要查找的列大于列数是错误的
FindColumn = False
MsgBox ("要查找的列或向右偏移量过大")
Exit Function
End If
If Column + Offset < 1 Then '向左偏移量过大
FindColumn = False
MsgBox ("向左偏移量过大")
Exit Function
End If
FindColumn = False
For Row = 1 To arr_max_row
If CStr(arr(Row, Column)) = CStr(what) Then
outDict.Add scrRngs.Cells(Row, Column).Address, scrRngs.Cells(Row, Column + Offset).Address
FindColumn = True
If isOne Then Exit Function
End If
End If
End Function
Sub ddd()
Dim Rngs As Range '函数的参数规定了数据类型
Dim outRng As Range '这里就一定要定义数据类型
Dim sh As Worksheet
Dim dict As Object
Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set sh = Worksheets("Sheet3")
Set Rngs = sh.Range("J12:N31")
success = FindColumn(dict, "3", Rngs, 3, -1, True)
If b And dict.Count > 0 Then
a = dict.keys()
b = dict.items()
End If
End Sub
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