1.分享他们对个人和专业旅途的思考和洞察:share with us reflections and insights on their personal and professional journeys.
2.我不想显得很粗鲁地纠正您:I don’t mean to sound ungracious by correcting you.
3.credential ,履历
4.我站在这里其实是有点怪异。It’s a little bizarre for me to be standing here.
[bi·zarre || bɪ’zɑː] adj. 奇异的, 异乎寻常的, 极不协调的
5.piss off vt. 走开(使…厌烦)
e.g Everybody is pissed off (with all the changes of plan). 大家(对计划的诸多变动)均感厌烦.
[djuːd] n. 花花公子; 纨绔子弟 ,译为啥子。
7.tenure [ten·ure || ‘te‚njə(r)] n. 占有; 占有期; 占有权; 任期
英文解释就是:If you have tenure in your job, you have the right to keep it until you retire.
8.回首往事, 很难想象在短短三年之间,我们能有如此深厚的友谊:when I look back it’s sort of hard to imagine it’s only been three years given the depth of our friendship.
mayo (mayonnaise)
[may·o || ‘