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  • Java 堆 (Heap):存的是 Object 对象实例,对象实例中一般都包含了其数据成员以及与该对象对应类的信息,它会指向类的引用一个,不同线程肯定要操作这个对象;一个 JVM 实例在运行的时候只有一个 Heap 区域,而且该区域被所有的线程共享;补充说明:垃圾回收是回收堆 (heap) 中内容,堆上才有我们的对象





  • MemConsumer是TaskMemoryManager的客户端,对应于任务中的单个操作符和数据结构
  • TaskMemoryManager是接收来自内存使用者的内存分配请求,并向使用者发出回调,以便在内存不足时触发溢出
  • MemoryPool用于跟踪存储和执行之间的内存划分并记账,



 * Performs bookkeeping for managing an adjustable-size pool of memory that is used for storage
 * (caching).
 * @param lock a [[MemoryManager]] instance to synchronize on
 * @param memoryMode the type of memory tracked by this pool (on- or off-heap)
private[memory] class StorageMemoryPool(
    lock: Object,
    memoryMode: MemoryMode
  ) extends MemoryPool(lock) with Logging {...}



① def acquireMemory(blockId: BlockId, numBytes: Long) = 主要是给Block获取内存

   * Acquire N bytes of memory to cache the given block, evicting existing ones if necessary.
   * @return whether all N bytes were successfully granted.
  def acquireMemory(blockId: BlockId, numBytes: Long): Boolean = lock.synchronized {
    val numBytesToFree = math.max(0, numBytes - memoryFree)
    acquireMemory(blockId, numBytes, numBytesToFree)
   * Acquire N bytes of storage memory for the given block, evicting existing ones if necessary.
   * @param blockId the ID of the block we are acquiring storage memory for
   * @param numBytesToAcquire the size of this block
   * @param numBytesToFree the amount of space to be freed through evicting blocks
   * @return whether all N bytes were successfully granted.
  def acquireMemory(
      blockId: BlockId,
      numBytesToAcquire: Long,
      numBytesToFree: Long): Boolean = lock.synchronized {
    assert(numBytesToAcquire >= 0)
    assert(numBytesToFree >= 0)
    assert(memoryUsed <= poolSize)
    if (numBytesToFree > 0) {
      memoryStore.evictBlocksToFreeSpace(Some(blockId), numBytesToFree, memoryMode)
    // NOTE: If the memory store evicts blocks, then those evictions will synchronously call
    // back into this StorageMemoryPool in order to free memory. Therefore, these variables
    // should have been updated.
    val enoughMemory = numBytesToAcquire <= memoryFree
    if (enoughMemory) {
      _memoryUsed += numBytesToAcquire

② def releaseMemory(size: Long):释放内存

 def releaseMemory(size: Long): Unit = lock.synchronized {
    if (size > _memoryUsed) {
      logWarning(s"Attempted to release $size bytes of storage " +
        s"memory when we only have ${_memoryUsed} bytes")
      _memoryUsed = 0
    } else {
      _memoryUsed -= size

  def releaseAllMemory(): Unit = lock.synchronized {
    _memoryUsed = 0

当要释放的内存大于正在使用的,则把使用中的释放掉,_memoryUsed 置0,反之在正在使用的上面减去要释放的大小,简而言之就是_memoryUsed 做减法;

③ def freeSpaceToShrinkPool(spaceToFree: Long):按“spaceToFree”字节压缩存储内存池的大小,这个方法返回的是要收缩的数值,即得出该方法是在收缩存储池之前调用;


	执行内存池 --->  指的是执行数据的内存;
	存储内存池 --- > 指的是存储数据的内存;


   * Free space to shrink the size of this storage memory pool by `spaceToFree` bytes.
   * Note: this method doesn't actually reduce the pool size but relies on the caller to do so.
   * @return number of bytes to be removed from the pool's capacity.
  def freeSpaceToShrinkPool(spaceToFree: Long): Long = lock.synchronized {
    val spaceFreedByReleasingUnusedMemory = math.min(spaceToFree, memoryFree)
    val remainingSpaceToFree = spaceToFree - spaceFreedByReleasingUnusedMemory
    if (remainingSpaceToFree > 0) {
      // If reclaiming free memory did not adequately shrink the pool, begin evicting blocks:
      val spaceFreedByEviction =
        memoryStore.evictBlocksToFreeSpace(None, remainingSpaceToFree, memoryMode)
      // When a block is released, BlockManager.dropFromMemory() calls releaseMemory(), so we do
      // not need to decrement _memoryUsed here. However, we do need to decrement the pool size.
      spaceFreedByReleasingUnusedMemory + spaceFreedByEviction
    } else {



 * Implements policies and bookkeeping for sharing an adjustable-sized pool of memory between tasks.
 * Tries to ensure that each task gets a reasonable share of memory, instead of some task ramping up
 * to a large amount first and then causing others to spill to disk repeatedly.
 * If there are N tasks, it ensures that each task can acquire at least 1 / 2N of the memory
 * before it has to spill, and at most 1 / N. Because N varies dynamically, we keep track of the
 * set of active tasks and redo the calculations of 1 / 2N and 1 / N in waiting tasks whenever this
 * set changes. This is all done by synchronizing access to mutable state and using wait() and
 * notifyAll() to signal changes to callers. Prior to Spark 1.6, this arbitration of memory across
 * tasks was performed by the ShuffleMemoryManager.
 * @param lock a [[MemoryManager]] instance to synchronize on
 * @param memoryMode the type of memory tracked by this pool (on- or off-heap)

—— 该类简说就是在“控制”任务内存


  1. memoryForTask:为了更好的使用内存与记录,spark内存维持着一个HashMap,taskId为key,内存使用为value;
   * Map from taskAttemptId -> memory consumption in bytes
  private val memoryForTask = new mutable.HashMap[Long, Long]()

  override def memoryUsed: Long = lock.synchronized {
  1. private[memory] def acquireMemory(…):给任务分配内存
  private[memory] def acquireMemory(
      numBytes: Long,  //表示申请内存的大小
      taskAttemptId: Long, //taskId
      maybeGrowPool: Long => Unit = (additionalSpaceNeeded: Long) => (),// 扩展此池所需的内存量
      computeMaxPoolSize: () => Long = () => poolSize): Long = lock.synchronized {
    assert(numBytes > 0, s"invalid number of bytes requested: $numBytes")

    // TODO: clean up this clunky method signature

    // Add this task to the taskMemory map just so we can keep an accurate count of the number
    // of active tasks, to let other tasks ramp down their memory in calls to `acquireMemory`
    if (!memoryForTask.contains(taskAttemptId)) {
      memoryForTask(taskAttemptId) = 0L
      // This will later cause waiting tasks to wake up and check numTasks again

    // Keep looping until we're either sure that we don't want to grant this request (because this
    // task would have more than 1 / numActiveTasks of the memory) or we have enough free
    // memory to give it (we always let each task get at least 1 / (2 * numActiveTasks)).
    // TODO: simplify this to limit each task to its own slot
    while (true) {
      val numActiveTasks = memoryForTask.keys.size
      val curMem = memoryForTask(taskAttemptId)

      // In every iteration of this loop, we should first try to reclaim any borrowed execution
      // space from storage. This is necessary because of the potential race condition where new
      // storage blocks may steal the free execution memory that this task was waiting for.
      maybeGrowPool(numBytes - memoryFree)

      // Maximum size the pool would have after potentially growing the pool.
      // This is used to compute the upper bound of how much memory each task can occupy. This
      // must take into account potential free memory as well as the amount this pool currently
      // occupies. Otherwise, we may run into SPARK-12155 where, in unified memory management,
      // we did not take into account space that could have been freed by evicting cached blocks.
      val maxPoolSize = computeMaxPoolSize()
      val maxMemoryPerTask = maxPoolSize / numActiveTasks
      val minMemoryPerTask = poolSize / (2 * numActiveTasks)

      // How much we can grant this task; keep its share within 0 <= X <= 1 / numActiveTasks
      val maxToGrant = math.min(numBytes, math.max(0, maxMemoryPerTask - curMem))
      // Only give it as much memory as is free, which might be none if it reached 1 / numTasks
      val toGrant = math.min(maxToGrant, memoryFree)

      // We want to let each task get at least 1 / (2 * numActiveTasks) before blocking;
      // if we can't give it this much now, wait for other tasks to free up memory
      // (this happens if older tasks allocated lots of memory before N grew)
      if (toGrant < numBytes && curMem + toGrant < minMemoryPerTask) {
        logInfo(s"TID $taskAttemptId waiting for at least 1/2N of $poolName pool to be free")
      } else {
        memoryForTask(taskAttemptId) += toGrant
        return toGrant
    0L  // Never reached


①. 当task需要在Execution内存区域申请numBytes大小内存时,首先判断spark维护的HashMap中是否维护着该任务内存,如果没有,则以taskId作为key,内存使用置为0 作为value,添加到map中

②. 调用maybeGrowPool(numBytes – memoryFree),需要内存大小 – 空闲的内存 来判断 是否需要扩池

③. computeMaxPoolSize()计算该池最大内存,根据最大内存计算出每个任务可分配最大和最小内存,每个task任务可使用的内存应在1 / 2N ~ 1 / N 之间,N为task数量,并计算出该任务最大可分配内存(maxToGrant)和实际分配的内存(toGrant)

④. 如果 toGrant < numBytes && curMem + toGrant < minMemoryPerTask 则当前任务进行阻塞,直到其它任务释放内存,反之 则在 HashMap 里面将当前 Task 使用的内存加上 numBytes,然后返回;curMem 表示当前任务占用内存

  1. def releaseMemory(numBytes: Long, taskAttemptId: Long) 释放内存
def releaseMemory(numBytes: Long, taskAttemptId: Long): Unit = lock.synchronized {
    val curMem = memoryForTask.getOrElse(taskAttemptId, 0L)
    val memoryToFree = if (curMem < numBytes) {
        s"Internal error: release called on $numBytes bytes but task only has $curMem bytes " +
          s"of memory from the $poolName pool")
    } else {
    if (memoryForTask.contains(taskAttemptId)) {
      memoryForTask(taskAttemptId) -= memoryToFree
      if (memoryForTask(taskAttemptId) <= 0) {
    lock.notifyAll() // Notify waiters in acquireMemory() that memory has been freed
   * Release all memory for the given task and mark it as inactive (e.g. when a task ends).
   * @return the number of bytes freed.
  def releaseAllMemoryForTask(taskAttemptId: Long): Long = lock.synchronized {
    val numBytesToFree = getMemoryUsageForTask(taskAttemptId)
    releaseMemory(numBytesToFree, taskAttemptId)






内存的大小由启动参数指定:–executor-memory / spark.executor.memory



内存模块 说明
Storage 是要是用来储存,例如广播(Broadcast)、rdd缓存等caceh数据
Execution 主要用于存放 Shuffle、Join等
other 用户操作空间
Reserved 系统预留空间
  • Reserved Memory 系统预留空间,默认为300M,这个数据一般是默认不变的;在系统运行时Java Heap空间至少为 reservedMemory * 1.5,也就是450M
private val RESERVED_SYSTEM_MEMORY_BYTES = 300 * 1024 * 1024

 val minSystemMemory = (reservedMemory * 1.5).ceil.toLong
    if (systemMemory < minSystemMemory) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"System memory $systemMemory must " +
        s"be at least $minSystemMemory. Please increase heap size using the --driver-memory " +
        s"option or ${config.DRIVER_MEMORY.key} in Spark configuration.")
  • other:用户空间,spark程序中产生的临时数据与用户维护的一些数据结构所占的空间,空间大小为(Heap – Reserved Memory) * 40%,这样设计上的好处是用于操作等所需的空间与系统空间分开;假设 Executor 有 4G 的大小,那么在默认情况下 User Memory 大小是:(4G – 300MB) x 40% = 1518MB,也就是说一个 Stage 内部展开后 并行所有的Task 的算子在运行时最大的大小不能够超过 1518MB。例如使用 mapPartition 等,一个Executor并行 Task 内部所有算子使用的数据空间的大小如果大于 1518MB 的话,那么就会出现 OOM。


spark-submit 提交任务时指定 –executor-memory 10g,systemMemory = Runtime.getRuntime.maxMemory 实际得到的内存大小要小于10g,因为内存分配池的堆部分分为 Eden,Survivor 和 Tenured 三部分空间,而这里面 Survivor 区域有两个,而这两个 Survivor 区域在任何时候我们只能用到其中一个,

ExecutorMemory = Eden + 2 * Survivor + Tenured

Runtime.getRuntime.maxMemory = Eden + Survivor + Tenured



  • spark.memory.offHeap.enabled 启动
  • spark.memory.offHeap.enabled 设置堆外内存大小,单位字节




由于这种方式不经过 JVM 内存管理,所以可以避免频繁的 GC,这种内存申请的缺点是必须自己编写内存申请和释放的逻辑。




spark释放内存时通过jvm来完成,当spark通知jvm要进行对象回收时,GC不一定就回立马回收,而spark内存维护任务与内存的hashmap则记录该空间已经释放,会导致实际可用内存 < spark内部维持的内存大小!!!

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