乐高 斜面砖
New users can start creating in Unity faster than ever with the LEGO Microgame (currently in beta), our most recent addition to the Microgames series.
新用户可以通过我们最新添加的LEGO Microgame(目前处于测试版)开始以更快的速度在Unity中进行创建。
Unity’s Microgames
are guided experiences designed to get new users working in the Editor quickly and easily. They’re designed to help you move swiftly from opening your first project to publishing your first game in about 45 minutes. Follow in-Editor tutorials to better understand how everything clicks together, while making your own creative decisions and personalizing along the way. You can access the Microgames via the
Unity Hub
是有指导性的体验,旨在让新用户快速轻松地在Editor中工作。 它们旨在帮助您在大约45分钟内从打开第一个项目到发布第一个游戏的Swift转变。 遵循编辑器中的教程,以更好地了解所有内容如何相互点击,同时做出自己的创意决定并一路个性化。 您可以通过
Unity Hub
(v2.4.0) 访问Microgames 。
Our latest Microgame release allows you to discover a joyful experience building with virtual LEGO bricks as you learn how to use Unity’s fundamental systems. Create and play your first game then publish it to Unity’s
hosting site for user-generated games
, where you can show off and share your new creation with friends and the larger Unity community.
我们最新的Microgame版本使您在学习如何使用Unity的基本系统时,发现使用虚拟乐高积木建造的愉悦体验。 创建并玩您的第一款游戏,然后将其发布到Unity的
In partnership with
LEGO Games
, Unity has brought the LEGO Group’s
System in Play
and LEGO minifigures into the Unity Editor for the very first time.
LEGO Games
合作 ,Unity首次将LEGO Group的
Play in System
和LEGO人偶带入Unity Editor。
For anyone who’s ever loved building with LEGO bricks, this Microgame is the perfect place to start your Unity creative journey. Gameplay behaviors and actions have been embedded into the virtual bricks, allowing you to build your interactive project, brick by glossy brick.
对于任何曾经喜欢用乐高积木建造的人来说,这款Microgame是开始您的Unity创意之旅的理想之地。 游戏玩法行为和动作已嵌入到虚拟积木中,使您可以逐个积木构建交互式项目。
Getting started
If you’re new to Unity, you can begin
– it’s as easy as downloading the Unity Hub, launching the Editor, and opening the LEGO Microgame project to follow step-by-step tutorials that guide you through the creative process.
开始 –就像下载Unity Hub,启动编辑器和打开LEGO Microgame项目一样简单,以按照逐步的教程进行操作,以指导您完成创作过程。
Already have Unity (2019.4 LTS) installed? Just launch the Unity Hub (v2.4.0) and start a New project to load the LEGO Microgame.
已经安装了Unity(2019.4 LTS)吗? 只需启动Unity Hub(v2.4.0)并启动一个New项目即可加载LEGO Microgame。
We want your feedback!
Your comments are vital to helping us improve the LEGO Microgame experience for others, so
tell us what you think in our form
, and stay tuned for more exciting Microgame news to help level up your Unity skills. We can’t wait to see what you create!
您的意见对帮助我们改善他人的LEGO Microgame体验至关重要,因此请
,并继续关注更多令人兴奋的Microgame新闻,以帮助您提高Unity技能。 我们迫不及待想看到您创建的内容!
乐高 斜面砖