insert into city values(1,'商丘','历史文明古都');
insert into city values(2,'邯郸','历史文明古都');
insert into city values(3,'洛阳','历史文明古都');
insert into city values(4,'开封','历史文明古都');
insert into dept values(60,'LOL学院','6');
update dept set loc='1' where deptno =70;
update dept set loc='2' where deptno =40;
update dept set loc='3' where deptno =30;
update dept set loc='4' where deptno =20;
update dept set loc='5' where deptno =10;
select * from city;
select * from emp;
select * from dept;
--特点 易语书写,难于阅读
--select 内容
-- from 表名1,表名2。。
--where 条件(连接条件,普通筛选条件,where子句关键字)
--group by分组字段
--having 多行函数
--order by排序字段
select *
from emp e,city c,dept d
where (e.deptno=d.deptno and d.loc=c.cid and sal>2000) or(e.deptno=d.deptno and d.loc=c.cid and comm is not null)
order by sal;
--select 内容 from 表名1
--inner join表名2
--on 连接条件
--inner join表名3
--on 连接条件
--where 普通条件
--group by 分组
--order by
select * from emp e
inner join dept d
on e.deptno=d.deptno
inner join city c
on d.loc=c.cid
where e.sal>2000 or e.comm is not null
order by sal;
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