解决 invalid user: VMessAEAD is enforced and a non VMessAEAD connection is received.

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2023/01/31 10:27:56 rejected common/drain: common/drain: unable to drain connection > EOF > proxy/vmess/encoding: invalid user: VMessAEAD is enforced and a non VMessAEAD connection is received. You can still disable this security feature with environment variable v2ray.vmess.aead.forced = false . You will not be able to enable legacy header workaround in the future.

2023/01/31 10:27:57 rejected common/drain: common/drain: drained connection > proxy/vmess/encoding: invalid user: VMessAEAD is enforced and a non VMessAEAD connection is received. You can still disable this security feature with environment variable v2ray.vmess.aead.forced = false . You will not be able to enable legacy header workaround in the future.

2023/01/31 10:28:00 rejected common/drain: common/drain: drained connection > proxy/vmess/encoding: invalid user: VMessAEAD is enforced and a non VMessAEAD connection is received. You can still disable this security feature with environment variable v2ray.vmess.aead.forced = false . You will not be able to enable legacy header workaround in the future.

2023/01/31 10:28:02 rejected common/drain: common/drain: unable to drain connection > EOF > proxy/vmess/encoding: invalid user: VMessAEAD is enforced and a non VMessAEAD connection is received. You can still disable this security feature with environment variable v2ray.vmess.aead.forced = false . You will not be able to enable legacy header workaround in the future.

2023/01/31 10:28:15 rejected common/drain: common/drain: drained connection > proxy/vmess/encoding: invalid user: VMessAEAD is enforced and a non VMessAEAD connection is received. You can still disable this security feature with environment variable v2ray.vmess.aead.forced = false . You will not be able to enable legacy header workaround in the future.

2023/01/31 10:28:23 rejected common/drain: common/drain: unable to drain connection > EOF > proxy/vmess/encoding: invalid user: VMessAEAD is enforced and a non VMessAEAD connection is received. You can still disable this security feature with environment variable v2ray.vmess.aead.forced = false . You will not be able to enable legacy header workaround in the future.

2023/01/31 10:28:25 rejected common/drain: common/drain: unable to drain connection > EOF > proxy/vmess/encoding: invalid user: VMessAEAD is enforced and a non VMessAEAD connection is received. You can still disable this security feature with environment variable v2ray.vmess.aead.forced = false . You will not be able to enable legacy header workaround in the future.

2023/01/31 10:28:39 rejected common/drain: common/drain: unable to drain connection > EOF > proxy/vmess/encoding: invalid user: VMessAEAD is enforced and a non VMessAEAD connection is received. You can still disable this security feature with environment variable v2ray.vmess.aead.forced = false . You will not be able to enable legacy header workaround in the future.

2023/01/31 10:28:39 rejected common/drain: common/drain: unable to drain connection > EOF > proxy/vmess/encoding: invalid user: VMessAEAD is enforced and a non VMessAEAD connection is received. You can still disable this security feature with environment variable v2ray.vmess.aead.forced = false . You will not be able to enable legacy header workaround in the future.

2023/01/31 10:28:40 rejected common/drain: common/drain: unable to drain connection > EOF > proxy/vmess/encoding: invalid user: VMessAEAD is enforced and a non VMessAEAD connection is received. You can still disable this security feature with environment variable v2ray.vmess.aead.forced = false . You will not be able to enable legacy header workaround in the future.

2023/01/31 10:28:44 rejected common/drain: common/drain: unable to drain connection > EOF > proxy/vmess/encoding: invalid user: VMessAEAD is enforced and a non VMessAEAD connection is received. You can still disable this security feature with environment variable v2ray.vmess.aead.forced = false . You will not be able to enable legacy header workaround in the future.

2023/01/31 10:28:44 rejected common/drain: common/drain: unable to drain connection > EOF > proxy/vmess/encoding: invalid user: VMessAEAD is enforced and a non VMessAEAD connection is received. You can still disable this security feature with environment variable v2ray.vmess.aead.forced = false . You will not be able to enable legacy header workaround in the future.

2023/01/31 10:28:45 rejected common/drain: common/drain: unable to drain connection > EOF > proxy/vmess/encoding: invalid user: VMessAEAD is enforced and a non VMessAEAD connection is received. You can still disable this security feature with environment variable v2ray.vmess.aead.forced = false . You will not be able to enable legacy header workaround in the future.

2023/01/31 10:29:05 rejected common/drain: common/drain: unable to drain connection > read tcp> i/o timeout > proxy/vmess/encoding: invalid user: VMessAEAD is enforced and a non VMessAEAD connection is received. You can still disable this security feature with environment variable v2ray.vmess.aead.forced = false . You will not be able to enable legacy header workaround in the future.

2023/01/31 10:29:05 rejected common/drain: common/drain: unable to drain connection > read tcp> i/o timeout > proxy/vmess/encoding: invalid user: VMessAEAD is enforced and a non VMessAEAD connection is received. You can still disable this security feature with environment variable v2ray.vmess.aead.forced = false . You will not be able to enable legacy header workaround in the future.

2023/01/31 10:29:10 rejected common/drain: common/drain: unable to drain connection > read tcp> i/o timeout > proxy/vmess/encoding: invalid user: VMessAEAD is enforced and a non VMessAEAD connection is received. You can still disable this security feature with environment variable v2ray.vmess.aead.forced = false . You will not be able to enable legacy header workaround in the future.

2023/01/31 10:29:17 rejected common/drain: common/drain: unable to drain connection > read tcp> i/o timeout > proxy/vmess/encoding: invalid user: VMessAEAD is enforced and a non VMessAEAD connection is received. You can still disable this security feature with environment variable v2ray.vmess.aead.forced = false . You will not be able to enable legacy header workaround in the future.

2023/01/31 10:31:25 rejected common/drain: common/drain: unable to drain connection > EOF > proxy/vmess/encoding: invalid user: VMessAEAD is enforced and a non VMessAEAD connection is received. You can still disable this security feature with environment variable v2ray.vmess.aead.forced = false . You will not be able to enable legacy header workaround in the future.

2023/01/31 10:31:27 rejected common/drain: common/drain: drained connection > proxy/vmess/encoding: invalid user: VMessAEAD is enforced and a non VMessAEAD connection is received. You can still disable this security feature with environment variable v2ray.vmess.aead.forced = false . You will not be able to enable legacy header workaround in the future.

2023/01/31 10:31:29 rejected common/drain: common/drain: drained connection > proxy/vmess/encoding: invalid user: VMessAEAD is enforced and a non VMessAEAD connection is received. You can still disable this security feature with environment variable v2ray.vmess.aead.forced = false . You will not be able to enable legacy header workaround in the future.

2023/01/31 10:31:51 rejected common/drain: common/drain: drained connection > proxy/vmess/encoding: invalid user: VMessAEAD is enforced and a non VMessAEAD connection is received. You can still disable this security feature with environment variable v2ray.vmess.aead.forced = false . You will not be able to enable legacy header workaround in the future.

2023/01/31 10:32:07 rejected common/drain: common/drain: unable to drain connection > EOF > proxy/vmess/encoding: invalid user: VMessAEAD is enforced and a non VMessAEAD connection is received. You can still disable this security feature with environment variable v2ray.vmess.aead.forced = false . You will not be able to enable legacy header workaround in the future.

2023/01/31 10:32:07 rejected common/drain: common/drain: unable to drain connection > EOF > proxy/vmess/encoding: invalid user: VMessAEAD is enforced and a non VMessAEAD connection is received. You can still disable this security feature with environment variable v2ray.vmess.aead.forced = false . You will not be able to enable legacy header workaround in the future.

2023/01/31 10:32:07 rejected common/drain: common/drain: unable to drain connection > read tcp> i/o timeout > proxy/vmess/encoding: invalid user: VMessAEAD is enforced and a non VMessAEAD connection is received. You can still disable this security feature with environment variable v2ray.vmess.aead.forced = false . You will not be able to enable legacy header workaround in the future.

2023/01/31 10:32:12 rejected common/drain: common/drain: unable to drain connection > EOF > proxy/vmess/encoding: invalid user: VMessAEAD is enforced and a non VMessAEAD connection is received. You can still disable this security feature with environment variable v2ray.vmess.aead.forced = false . You will not be able to enable legacy header workaround in the future.

2023/01/31 10:32:12 rejected common/drain: common/drain: unable to drain connection > EOF > proxy/vmess/encoding: invalid user: VMessAEAD is enforced and a non VMessAEAD connection is received. You can still disable this security feature with environment variable v2ray.vmess.aead.forced = false . You will not be able to enable legacy header workaround in the future.



将服务端和客户端的 alterID 改成 0 。


下面操作都在服务端进行,也就是设置环境变量,关闭 AEAD,就这么简单。


systemctl cat v2ray


# /etc/systemd/system/v2ray.service
Description=V2Ray Service
After=network.target nss-lookup.target

ExecStart=/usr/bin/v2ray -config /etc/v2ray/config.json



vi /etc/systemd/system/v2ray.service

然后修改一下,在 Service 区块添加一行:



systemctl daemon-reload


systemctl restart v2ray

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