UEFI Shell解释
UEFI Shell 是一个提供用户和UEFI系统之间的接口,进入UEFI Shell可以对计算机系统进行配置
ver | will show the shell version | 展示shell的版本号 |
reconnect -r | all EFI drivers should be reconnected | 重新连接EFI驱动 |
alias | all Alias should be displayed | 显示,创建,删除别名 |
dmem | memory contents are displayed | 显示内存目录 |
connect | some devices are connected ,drivers startsand status is shown | 连接驱动程序和设备 |
cp | copy some files to another location | 复制文件 |
date | can show the local current date | 显示当前或者系统的日期 |
devices | show system devices |