html5 image blob读取,data:image data url 文件转为Blob上传后端的方法

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// base64 转 blob

datauritoblob(datauri) {

// convert base64/urlencoded data component to raw binary data held in a string

let bytestring;

if (datauri.split(‘,’)[0].indexof(‘base64’) >= 0) {

bytestring = atob(datauri.split(‘,’)[1]);

} else bytestring = unescape(datauri.split(‘,’)[1]);

// separate out the mime component

const mimestring = datauri




// write the bytes of the string to a typed array

const ia = new uint8array(bytestring.length);

for (let i = 0; i < bytestring.length; i++) {

ia[i] = bytestring.charcodeat(i);