mysql field id doesnt have a default value_mysql – Field ‘id’ doesn’t have a default value? – Stack …

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For me the issue got fixed when I changed


in my Person.hbm.xml.

after that I re-encountered that same error for an another field(mobno). I tried restarting my IDE, recreating the database with previous back issue got eventually fixed when I re-create my tables using (without ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; and removing underscores in the field name)

CREATE TABLE `tbl_customers` (

`pid` bigint(20) NOT NULL,

`title` varchar(4) NOT NULL,

`dob` varchar(10) NOT NULL,

`address` varchar(100) NOT NULL,

`country` varchar(4) DEFAULT NULL,

`hometp` int(12) NOT NULL,

`worktp` int(12) NOT NULL,

`mobno` varchar(12) NOT NULL,

`btcfrom` varchar(8) NOT NULL,

`btcto` varchar(8) NOT NULL,

`mmname` varchar(20) NOT NULL


instead of

CREATE TABLE `tbl_person` (

`person_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL,

`person_nic` int(10) NOT NULL,

`first_name` varchar(20) NOT NULL,

`sur_name` varchar(20) NOT NULL,

`person_email` varchar(20) NOT NULL,

`person_password` varchar(512) NOT NULL,

`mobno` varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘1’,

`role` varchar(10) NOT NULL,

`verified` int(1) DEFAULT NULL


I probably think this due to using ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; , because I once got the error org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper – Unknown column ‘mob_no’ in ‘field list’ even though it was my previous column name, which even do not exist in my current table. Even after backing up the database(with modified column name, using InnoDB engine) I still got that same error with old field name. This probably due to caching in that Engine.

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