Rabbitmq服务器启动失败,文件已锁定(Rabbitmq server start failed with file locked)
Rabbitmq 3.6.5启动失败。 如何解决它?
Error description: “Found lock file at ~s.\n Either previous upgrade is in progress or has failed.\n Database
backup path: ~s”
Log files (may contain more information):
Stack trace: [{rabbit_upgrade,ensure_backup_taken,
[“/var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia/rabbit@vm-10-111-29-211/schema_upgrade_lock”, “/var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia/rabbit@vm-10-111-29-211-upgrade-backup”],
{“init terminating in do_boot”,”Found lock file at ~s.\n
Either previous upgrade is in progress or has failed.\n
Database backup path: ~s”}
Crash dump was written to: erl_crash.dump init terminating in do_boot
(Found lock file at ~s.
Either previous upgrade is in progress or has failed.
Database backup path: ~s)
Rabbitmq 3.6.5 start failed with this. How to fix it?
Error description: “Found lock file at ~s.\n Either previous upgrade is in progress or has failed.\n Database
backup path: ~s”
Log files (may contain more information):
Stack trace: [{rabbit_upgrade,ensure_backup_taken,
[“/var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia/rabbit@vm-10-111-29-211/schema_upgrade_lock”, “/var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia/rabbit@vm-10-111-29-211-upgrade-backup”],
{“init terminating in do_boot”,”Found lock file at ~s.\n
Either previous upgrade is in progress or has failed.\n
Database backup path: ~s”}
Crash dump was written to: erl_crash.dump init terminating in do_boot
(Found lock file at ~s.
Either previous upgrade is in progress or has failed.
Database backup path: ~s)
更新时间:2020-02-03 07:21
该目录通常位于/var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia ,请在此处查看详细信息。
you have had a problem during the database upgrade, it would be interesting see what happened checking the logs
BTW To solve quickly the problem is enough to remove your mnesia directory.
The directory is usually located in /var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia , check here for detail.
By removing the mnesia directory you will lose all your messages
在Windows上,我通过以下步骤解决了问题:1.通过单击菜单中的“Repo-browser”来启动Repository Browser。 2.找到锁定的文件。 3.在锁定的文件上右键单击鼠标。 4.点击“中断锁定”。 On Windows, I fixed the problem by the following steps: 1. Launch Repository Browser by clicking “Repo-browser” in the menu. 2. Locate the lo
我改变了我将参数传递给exec maven插件的方式 由此 :
我修正了我的问题。 谁会有我同样的问题。 该插件无法绑定到端口1883,因为内核响应EACCESS错误。 某种安全工具(很可能是SELinux)需要将该端口列入白名单。 更改SELinux参数我能够解决我的问题。 这有两种可能 编辑文件/etc/selinux/config编辑字符串SELINUX=enforcing进入SELINUX=enforcing或进入(注意,这是一个安全错误) SELINUX=disabled 添加带有semanage port –add的端口1883 – 添加到SEL
您是否在安全存储使用的数据存储区中创建了RDBMS表? 可以在WL_HOME / server / lib中找到创建脚本。 信息由http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E24329_01/web.1211/e24422/rdbms.htm#autoId5提供 Did you create RDBMS tables in the datastore used by the security store? Create scripts can be found in WL_HOME/se
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将RabbitMQ更新为官方稳定版本修复了该问题。 Ubuntu 12.04存储库中的RabbitMQ包很老了。 Updating RabbitMQ to official stable version fixed the issue. The RabbitMQ package in Ubuntu 12.04’s repository was really old.
在数据库升级过程中遇到问题,查看日志中发生了什么会很有趣 顺便解决这个问题很快就能解决你的mnesia目录。 该目录通常位于/var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia ,请在此处查看详细信息。 注意 通过删除mnesia目录你将失去所有的信息 you have had a problem during the database upgrade, it would be interesting see what happened checking the logs BTW To solve q
我希望你在RabbitMQ和ejabberd方面取得了一些进展。 以下是可能有帮助的有趣讨论的链接。 http://old.nabble.com/AMPQ-vs-XMPP-and-RabbitMQ-vs-ejabberd-td17587109.html I hope you had made some progress as far as RabbitMQ and ejabberd are concerned. Below is a link to an interesting discussio
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为了解决这个问题,我将日志文件的所有者更改为postgres : chown postgres:posgres logfile_path
To solve the problem I changed the owner of the log file to postgres: chown postgres:posgres logfile_path