check_vintf compatibility_matrix version问题

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FAILED: out/target/product/xxxxxx/obj/PACKAGING/check_vintf_all_intermediates/check_vintf_compatible_log

checkvintf E 08-10 01:57:34 27721 27721 check_vintf.cpp:554] android.hardware.gnss@1.0::IGnss/default is deprecated in compatibility matrix at FCM Version 5; it should not be served.

checkvintf E 08-10 01:57:34 27721 27721 check_vintf.cpp:554] android.hardware.gnss@1.0::IGnss/default is deprecated in compatibility matrix at FCM Version 5; it should not be served.

checkvintf E 08-10 01:57:34 27721 27721 check_vintf.cpp:554] android.hardware.gnss@1.0::IGnss/default is deprecated in compatibility matrix at FCM Version 5; it should not be served.

checkvintf E 08-10 01:57:34 27721 27721 check_vintf.cpp:554] android.hardware.gnss@1.0::IGnss/default is deprecated in compatibility matrix at FCM Version 5; it should not be served.: Success


根据kernel版本,用的是compatibility_matrix.5.xml (FCM Version 5)

而compatibility_matrix.5.xml中定义的gnss version是2.0-1

<hal format="hidl" optional="true">


1:把gnss service改成用2.0或2.1的版本

2:把compatibility_matrix.5.xml 中2.0-1 改成1.0

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