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  • Post category:python


from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def Move(src, target, vector = (0,0), expand = False):
	vector:move vector.Its componment should be integer.
	im = Image.open(src)
	imarray = np.array(im)
	height, width = imarray.shape
	vx, vy = vector
	if not expand:
		new_arr = np.zeros((height, width), dtype = 'uint8')
		for i in range(height):
			for j in range(width):
			 if i - vx >= 0 and i - vx < height and j -vy >= 0 and j - vy < width:
			 	new_arr[i, j] = imarray[i - vx, j - vy]
			 	new_arr[i, j] = 255
		new_arr = np.ones((height + abs(vx), width + abs(vy)), dtype = "uint8")*255
		for i in range(relu(vx), height + relu(vx)):
			for j in range(relu(vy), width + relu(vy)):
			 	new_arr[i, j] = imarray[i - relu(vx), j - relu(vy)]

	new_im = Image.fromarray(new_arr)

def relu(x):
	if x >= 0:
		return x
		return 0

gray_girl = "C:/Users/60214/Desktop/python_work/DigitalExecution/gray_girl.jpg"
tar = "

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