经过大量研究后,我还没有发现满足所有这些IF条件的正则表达式 . 代码效果很好,但我认为可以使用RegEx简化 .
目标:在1到9之间的正整数上返回true,而不是从零开始 . 为每个其他值返回false .
看一看 .
// Validation functions
function hasPeriod(s) {
// Return true or false.
// True if a period is entered at any point in time.
return s.indexOf(‘.’) > -1;
// See more… http://2ality.com/2014/05/is-integer.html
function isInteger(s) {
// Return true or false.
// True if the remainder of dividing it by 1 is 0.
return s % 1 === 0;
// Bind keyup event to prep_work_item_input.
$(‘#input1’).on(‘keyup’, function (e) {
// TRIM text input value on declaration…
// May contain spaces…
var input_value = $(this).val().trim();
// Refresh text input after Trim!
// Does not contain spaces
// If text input is EMPTY after Trim…
if (input_value.length == 0) {
// Stop at this if and dont proceed.
return false;
// If a PERIOD is typed into text input at any point in time…
if (hasPeriod(input_value)) {
// Clear input
// Stop at this if and dont proceed.
return false;
// If text input value is NOT an INTEGER…
if (!isInteger(input_value)) {
// Clear input
// Stop at this if and dont proceed.
return false;
// If text input value IS an INTEGER but EQUAL to 0…
if (input_value == 0) {
// Clear input
// Stop at this if and dont proceed.
return false;
// If text input value IS an INTEGER and also GREATER than 0…
if (input_value > 0) {
// If we have made this far…
// we probably have a real integer that is not zero.
// We can finally begin to calculate
input_value = parseInt(input_value);
// random cost multiplier for this example
var cost = parseFloat(‘0.78’);
// calculate subtotal…
cost = input_value * cost;
// Set prep_work_item_subtotal…
console.log(input_value + ‘ ‘ + ‘SF’ + ‘ / ‘ + ‘ $’ + cost.toFixed(2));
Enter value below: