由于 libmicrohttpd 库在处理POST数据的时候是与表单的形势处理的, HTTP协议中表单的提交和解析有特定的格式。但是在我们的需求中,我们POST上来的数据可能只是一个普通的XML体,并不是按照表单格式提交上来的数据,我们需要处理整个的XML体, 这个时候, libmicrohttpd 不能获取到整个 POST上来的BODY, 追踪源码,我们可以添加一点点代码即可获取该数据。修改的源码如下 :
* Get a particular header value. If multiple
* values match the kind, return any one of them.
* @param connection connection to get values from
* @param kind what kind of value are we looking for
* @param key the header to look for, NULL to lookup 'trailing' value without a key
* @return NULL if no such item was found
const char * MHD_lookup_connection_value (struct MHD_Connection *connection, enum MHD_ValueKind kind, const char *key)
struct MHD_HTTP_Header *pos;
if (NULL == connection)
return NULL;
if (kind == MHD_POSTDATA_KIND) return connection->read_buffer;//只需要添加改行代码即可
for (pos = connection->headers_received; NULL != pos; pos = pos->next)
if ((0 != (pos->kind & kind)) &&
( (key == pos->header) || ( (NULL != pos->header) &&
(NULL != key) &&
(0 == strcasecmp (key, pos->header))) ))
return pos->value;
return NULL;
在上层应用层 ,我们可以用如下的代码来获取BODY数据:
const char* length = MHD_lookup_connection_value (connection, MHD_HEADER_KIND, MHD_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH);
if (length == NULL)
return NULL;
const char* body = MHD_lookup_connection_value (connection, MHD_POSTDATA_KIND, NULL);
if (body == NULL)
return NULL;
size_t len = strlen(body);
上面代码中的 body 即是我们POST提交上来的整个数据块。
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