Vue Component simter-vue-table
A Vue component used to generate HTML table element.
Name___________ | Require | ValueType | Description |
columns | true | [{}] | Define table columns |
├ id | false | String |
The column’s id, it’s the key in the
item |
├ label | true | String | The column’s visible text |
├ width | false | String |
The column’s width, such as
├ children | false | [{}] |
The child group columns.
will be ignored if define this property |
├ headerClass | false | String |
This column’s
element class, follow Vue Class Bindings |
├ headerStyle | false | String |
This column’s
element style, follow Vue Class Bindings |
├ class | false | String |
This column’s
element class, follow Vue Class Bindings |
├ style | false | String |
This column’s
element style, follow Vue Class Bindings |
├ cell | false |
{} String |
Define cell customized,
type means setting
value |
│ ├ component | false | String | The cell component’s name |
│ ├ classes | false | {} | Define the cell’s inner dom elements classes, keys is up to the component design |
│ ├ styles | false | {} | Define the cell’s inner dom elements styles, keys is up to the component design |
│ ├ …custom | false | custom | The custom properties for all this column’s cell component. It is up to the component design |
rows | true | [{}] | The table’s row data |
classes | false | {} | Define inner dom elements global classes |
├ headerRow | false | String |
thead/tr class, follow Vue Class Bindings |
├ headerCell | false | String |
thead/tr/td class, follow Vue Class Bindings |
├ row | false | String |
tbody/tr class, follow Vue Class Bindings |
├ cell | false | String |
tbody/tr/td class, follow Vue Class Bindings |
├ groupRow | false | String |
group tbody/tr class, follow Vue Cla |