A predictive organization has recently decided to switch to an agile delivery approach.The ongoing projects will still be led by project managers.Because of unexpected budget overruns on project A.senior management is not confident that the agile project teams are ready to self-manage the project budget. Which two actions should the project manager of project A undertake?(Choose two)
A :邀请高层管理人员参加站会,向其提供开支方面的状态报告。 Invite senior management to the stand-up meetings to give a status report on the expenditures.
B : 与高层管理人员就开支问题确定上报层级。 Develop escalation levels with senior management regarding expenditures.
C :让敏捷教练向高层管理人员提供项目开支周报。 Have the agile coach produce a weekly report on the project expenditures for senior management.
D :邀请高层管理人员参加每个冲刺的回顾会议,以便对开支作出评估。 Invite senior management to the retrospective for each spin evaluate the expenditures.
E : 在敏捷教练的帮助下创建信息发射源,使开支可视化。 Establish information radiators with the help of the agile coach to visualize the expenditures.
解析:《敏捷实践指南》50页,5.2-常见敏捷实践。 预测型生命周期向敏捷的转型如同儿童学步,组织不安于彻底放手,敏捷实施的过程中但凡受阻,组织就总想再握紧敏捷团队的手。所以要想打消组织对敏捷团队的顾虑,就需要做好信息的同步,可以采取的良好实践是建立固定的信息传递渠道,定期的让组织知晓团队的开销状况,另外也可以信息发射源的方式,满足组织中的某些管理层想要频繁了解项目开支状况的期望,所以选项BE正确。选项A,站会上通常讨论工作进展和遇到的障碍,不涉及到成本支出。选项C,敏捷教练负责辅导团队成员熟悉敏捷实践的框架和工具,在存在项目经理的时候,上报的责任归属于项目经理。选项D,回顾会议上讨论的是导致成本超支的原因,进而在下一次迭代中改善绩效
As part of the strategic plan,a company decides to implement a new software platform to manage a centralized document repository.Some requirements are clear and some need more detail.What should the project manager do first to decide how to manage this project?
A : 确定最适合该项目的生命周期方法。 Determine the most appropriate life cycle approach for the project.
B :将所有需求记录进待办事项列表,以便将来进行详细分析。 Register all requirements into a backlog for further detailed analysis.
C :根据团队的经验选择一个预测型的开发生命周期。 Select a predictive development life cycle based on the team’s experience.
D :将相关需求拆分,把它们安排进单独的项目里,并应用不同的方法。 Split the requirements,put them into two separate projects,and apply different approaches.
A senior project manager is in the middle of an industrial capacity expansion project with many stakeholders from various countries.Stakeholders are disagreeing on several project components,which is affecting project progress The project sponsor has asked the project manager to deal with these disagreements. Which three things can the project manager do to resolve the issue?(Choose three)
A :创建团队章程。 Create a team charter.
B : 积极倾听。 Listen actively.
C :编写精心组织的信息。 Write a well-crafted message.
D : 进行相关方映射分析。 Perform stakeholder mapping.
E : 鼓励具备文化意识。 Encourage cultural awareness.
The project manager started a new project and must ensure that the team members and stakeholders are adequately trained.After an interview with the team,the project manager discovers that all resources have experience in different agile methodologies.What should the project manager do?
A : 充分而完整地提供一种敏捷方法方面的指导。 Teach one agile methodology fully and completely.
B :确保团队对敏捷形成共识。 Ensure the team has a common understanding of agile.
C :确保团队了解所有敏捷技术。 Make sure the project team is aware of all agile techniques.
D :不组织培训,因为团队对敏捷已经非常了解。 Skip the training because the team already understands agile.
A project manager is working with a Scrum team that is continually missing deadlines.The steering committee is concerned about the project as it is not clear that it will deliver the expected value.After some analysis,the project manager discovers there is a mismatch of competencies in one of the teams.What should the project manager do?
A :接受该错配导致项目在最后期限前无法完成的风险。 Accept the risk of the project missing deadlines due to the mismatch.
B : 提供适当培训,对该错配予以弥补。 Provide appropriate training to compensate for the mismatch.
C :更新项目进度计划,以反映该延误。 Update the project schedule to reflect the delay.
D :向团队强调达到商定的最后期限的重要性。 Emphasize to the teams the importance of meeting the agreed deadlines.
105.A key project stakeholder showed interest in the beginning of a complex agile project,but has become less involved as the sprint has progressed due to additional responsibilities.A few sprints later,the key stakeholder rejected a feature deliverable.The team is reworking the rejected deliverable for the next sprint.What should the project manager have done to avoid this situation?
A :记录项目愿景和目标。 Documented the project vision and objectives.
B : 分析相关方属性中的变化。 Analyzed the changes in stakeholder attributes.
C :让关键相关方参与决策过程。 Involved the key stakeholders in the decision-making process.
D :根据相关方的需要对相关方沟通进行定制。 Customized stakeholder communications based on the stakeholders’ needs.
A project manager is working on a software development project.A team member complains that since the project tasks are very simple,there is no reason to perform quality control.The project manager understands that removing the quality management plan from the project will also help to save money,which is important to the customer.What should the project manager do?
A : 制定质量管理计划,因为质量管理与成本和进度计划管理同等重要。 Develop the quality management plan,as quality is as equally important as cost and schedule management.
B :将没有质量管理计划就开始开展项目登记为风险,并将节省的预算分配到管理储备之中。 Register starting the project without a quality management plan as a risk,and allocate the budget savings to the management reserve.
C :获得管理层的确认,团队成员拥有足够的经验,可在不进行质量控制的情况下开发软件。 Get confirmation from management that the team member has enough experience to build software without quality control.
D :让客户在接受项目可交付成果之后安排进行外部质量审计,并减少项目预算。 Ask the customer to order an external quality audit after accepting the project deliverable,and decrease the budget of the project.
After reviewing the project management plan with key stakeholders,the project manager was told that an 18-month release plan was unacceptable and the product should launch in six months.Based on the new timeline,what should the project manager do?
A : 审查项目待办事项列表,查明哪些是高优先级事项,并指出符合预期期限的最小可行性产品(MVP)。 Review the project backlog looking for high-priority items and come up with a minimum viable product(MVP)that fits the expected timeline.
B :与相关方一起回顾关键路径,解释为什么不可能在预期期限内交付范围内的所有成果。 Go over the critical path with stakeholders,explaining why it is not possible to deliver all the scope in the expected timeline.
C :寻求发起人批准将项目预算增至三倍,增加雇佣人员,以弥补被压缩的进度计划。 Seek approval with the sponsor to triple the project budget,hiring more people to compensate for the compressed schedule.
D :制定加班计划,运用赶工和快速跟进方法,并将失败的风险告知项目相关方。 Plan for overtime.apply crashing and fast tracking,and share the risk of failure with project stakeholders.
解析:《敏捷实践指南》22页,3.1.3-增量型生命周期的特征。“项目经理被告知18个月的发布计划是不可接受的,产品应在6个月内推出”,关键相关方迫切需要尽早提供产品来赢得市场竞争,所以在18个月后才能提供产品,会失去推广窗口期,进而导致竞争失利。要能够尽快的推出所需产品,就需要对产品功能进行梳理,梳理出哪些功能和需求具有高优先级,在6个月后推出的首款产品中要具备这些必备的功能,从而能够以最小的成本、最快的速度来获得用户反馈和市场验证,尽早获取价值。这种具备了主要功能及特色的产品被称为MVP(Minimum Viable Product,MVP),所以A选项正确。选项B,对于项目经理来说,项目的成果是为了满足商业需要,所以即便通过解释说服相关方接受了18个月工期的进度安排,从项目的最终目标来看,项目也处于失败的边缘。选项C,最小可行性产品(MVP)不仅仅是考虑快,还要兼顾最小的成本投入,所以为了快而增加资源投入,违背了MVP的管理原则。选项D,与C同理。
A project manager who is new to an organization observes that an approaching deadline is likely to be missed because there have been some delays on the project due to a lack of resources. What should the project manager do next?
A :查阅里程碑列表,确定哪些任务可以快速跟进。 Review the milestone list to determine which tasks can be fast-tracked.
B : 审视风险管理计划,识别应对策略。 Review the risk management plan to identify the response strategy.
C :组织团队会议,讨论接下来的行动步骤。 Organize a team meeting to discuss the next course of action.
D :将问题上报发起人,向其汇报情况。 Escalate the issue to the sponsor and debrief them about the situation.
A project for a new product launch is in a very initial stage and the requirements are evolving.Due to stiff competition in the market,the customer would like to launch the product keeping the scope flexible.The project team intends to start the work based on the forecast of a similar project delivered last year. Which project approach suits the scenario?
A :将之作为一个有多个阶段关口的项目执行。 Execute it as a project with stage gates.
B : 将之作为敏捷项目执行。 Execute it as a Scrum project.
C :运用与参照项目相同的方法执行该项目。 Execute it using the same approach as the reference project.
D :将之作为预测型项目执行。 Execute it as a predictive project.
During the course of the project,several obstacles are identified that are preventing the project from moving forward. What should the project manager do to remove the obstacles?
A :将情况上报给项目指导委员会。 Escalate to the project steering committee.
B : 确定这些障碍的优先级,以便予以解决。 Prioritize the obstacles for resolution.
C :实施相关计划,消除这些障碍。 Implement plans to remove the obstacles.
D :让项目团队开展其他活动。 Have the project team work on other activities.
An agile project team is looking to develop quality standards for a project. How should the project manager coach the team?
A :坚持要求在进行自动测试的同时实施测试驱动开发。 Insist that test-driven development is implemented along with the automated testing.
B :确保当产品负责人同意针对用户故事的所有验收标准均已达到时会提供定义“已完成”(DoD)。 Ensure that the definition of done (DoD)is provided when the product owner agrees that all acceptance criteria have been met for the user story.
C :告知团队,为了确保产品负责人接受解决方案,需要进行用户接受度测试。 Inform the team that user acceptance testing is required to ensure that the product owner accepts the solution.
D : 确定适合于该项目的工具和技术,并确保尽早以一贯的方式完成测试。 Determine the tools and techniques suitable for the project and ensure that testing is done early and continuously.
During an iteration of a project,a planned activity becomes more complex. The work should be delivered in the shortest time possible. What approach should be used in this situation?
A :产品负责人将该活动载入产品待办事项列表。 The product owner moves it to the product backlog.
B :团队成员引入专业人士提供帮助。 The team members bring in a specialist to help them.
C : 跨职能部门的团队成员协同努力完成该活动。 The cross-functional team members work together to complete the activity.
D :团队指导者从外部团队成员获得支持。 The team facilitator gets support from external team members.
During a documentation audit of an international company,it was identified that the last version of the project schedule was from one month ago even though the project manager knew it was recently updated.How should the project manager have handled documentation for the project?
A : 将文档存入项目管理信息系统(PMIS),并与适当的相关方分享。 Kept documentation in the project management information system (PMIS),and shared it with appropriate stakeholders.
B :查阅风险登记册,以确定审计的应对计划。 Reviewed the risk register to identify a response plan for the audit.
C :指派一名项目团队成员,以确保所有项目文档都得到更新。 Assigned a project team member to ensure all project documentation was updated.
D :定期更新项目管理计划,并以安全的方式将之分享给所有相关方。 Updated the project management plan regularly and had it securely shared with all stakeholders.
A project team is experiencing delays in completing a task that turned out to be more complex than initially estimated.This is a critical task that could impact current iteration goals.What two options will help the team initially address this obstacle?(Choose two)
A : 进行根本原因分析。 Conduct a root cause analysis.
B :审查并更新依赖关系。 Review and update dependencies.
C :创建风险管理计划。 Create a risk management plan.
D :将该问题上报给项目发起人。 Escalate the issue to the project sponsor.
E : 举行回顾会议。 Schedule a retrospective.
A vendor informed the project manager that a critical resource will be on a long leave of absence.The project team reviewed the pending vendor deliverables and identified an alternative solution,but the solution will incur an additional cost.The project is currently on schedule and slightly under budget. What should the project manager do next?
A :进行成本效益分析。 Perform a cost-benefit analysis.
B : 实施整体变更控制。 Perform Integrated Change Control.
C :实施风险应对。 Implement risk responses.
D :请求安排替代资源。 Request a replacement resource.