工作中经常要从公版上合并patch 到项目上,需要保留每个patch 提交的信息
1. git format-patch -N b91de2b9c9a0d3bcc //从b91de2b9c9a0d3bcc 这个提交开始,往回N个提交,一次性生成N个patch。从b91de2b9c9a0d3bcc 开始生成序号是倒序的patch。如下图所示
git log看当前提交
$ git log
commit ce3992eb91de2b9c9a0d3bccee9f1f7b9b68d378 (HEAD)
Author: san.zhang <san.zhang@xxxx.com>
Date: Wed Jul 29 10:48:28 2020 +0800
vdec: fix h265 interlace jitter problem [1/1]
Change-Id: I0ff2d1bacb3963dad19785345a4ef21ff00794d7
Signed-off-by: san.zhang <san.zhang@xxxx.com>
commit e06f4ce0ddac39194347aefc07b5081795c3c0a2
Author: si.li <si.li@xxxx.com>
Date: Tue Aug 4 16:59:02 2020 +0800
decode: notify backend secure flag. [1/1]
decode provided the secure flag to backend.
Change-Id: I2804f606145445b295ae225ba85dc4cff698cac2
Signed-off-by: si.li <si.li@xxxx.com>
commit d4699f74ff7cce0c27827b463b6bdb8069bbae99
Author: wu.wang <wu.wang@xxxx.com>
Date: Thu Jul 23 17:17:49 2020 +0800
v4l: fixed the issue of vp9 can't playback on linux. [1/1]
Change-Id: Ie3cf4858c2c4160b9ca551e39faca5a5c127fe19
Signed-off-by: wu wang <wu.wang@xxxx.com>
生成patch,从下面生成patch的名称0001-xxxx,0002-xxxx,0003-xxxx 看到,跟上面git log的顺序倒过来。合patch时按名称照序号从小到大即可
$git format-patch -3 ce3992eb91de2b9c9a0d3bccee9f1f7b9b68d378
2. git am (–continue | –skip | –abort) PATCH_NAME //打补丁
error: xxxx.c: patch does not apply
$ git am 0001-vdec-fix-h265-interlace-jitter-problem-1-1.patch
Applying: vdec: fix h265 interlace jitter problem [1/1]
error: patch failed: drivers/frame_provider/decoder/h265/vh265.c:196
error: drivers/frame_provider/decoder/h265/vh265.c: patch does not apply
Patch failed at 0001 vdec: fix h265 interlace jitter problem [1/1]
hint: Use 'git am --show-current-patch=diff' to see the failed patch
When you have resolved this problem, run "git am --continue".
If you prefer to skip this patch, run "git am --skip" instead.
To restore the original branch and stop patching, run "git am --abort".
error: xxxx.c: patch does not apply
git status 查看状态,
$ git status
On branch p-x32a0-20190930
You are in the middle of an am session.
(fix conflicts and then run "git am --continue")
(use "git am --skip" to skip this patch)
(use "git am --abort" to restore the original branch)
nothing to commit, working tree clean
4. git apply –reject PATCH_NAME
$ git apply --reject 0001-vdec-fix-h265-interlace-jitter-problem-1-1.patch
Checking patch drivers/frame_provider/decoder/h265/vh265.c...
error: while searching for:
bit 0, stream base resend data when decoding buf empty
static u32 data_resend_policy = 1;
static u32 dirty_time_threshold = 2000;
static u32 dirty_count_threshold = 200;
error: patch failed: drivers/frame_provider/decoder/h265/vh265.c:196
Hunk #2 succeeded at 432 (offset -21 lines).
error: while searching for:
u64 again_timeout_jiffies;
u32 pre_parser_video_rp;
u32 pre_parser_video_wp;
error: patch failed: drivers/frame_provider/decoder/h265/vh265.c:1791
Hunk #4 succeeded at 11428 (offset -980 lines).
Hunk #5 succeeded at 11504 (offset -967 lines).
Hunk #6 succeeded at 12970 (offset -1169 lines).
Applying patch drivers/frame_provider/decoder/h265/vh265.c with 2 rejects...
Rejected hunk #1. 提示有两个错误合不上,需要手动修改
Hunk #2 applied cleanly.
Rejected hunk #3.
Hunk #4 applied cleanly.
Hunk #5 applied cleanly.
Hunk #6 applied cleanly.
5. 参考drivers/frame_provider/decoder/h265
提示的错误,vi drivers/frame_provider/decoder/h265
6. $ git add drivers/frame_provider/decoder/h265
7. $ rm drivers/frame_provider/decoder/h265/vh265.c.rej //删除rej 文件
8. $ git am –resolved 提示如下信息表示合并patch成功
$ git am --resolved
Applying: vdec: fix h265 interlace jitter problem [1/1]
这时候git log 就有这个提交信息了
$ git log
commit 44ae4c789540c575efa22cf0b5b5e4a2773f4299 (HEAD -> p-x32a0-20190930)
Author: san.zhang <san.zhang@xxxx.com>
Date: Wed Jul 29 10:48:28 2020 +0800
vdec: fix h265 interlace jitter problem [1/1]
Change-Id: I0ff2d1bacb3963dad19785345a4ef21ff00794d7
Signed-off-by: san.zhang <san.zhang@xxxx.com>