
Casimior PT/Shutterstock
卡西米PT /快门
NSFW is an odd, versatile internet acronym that’s found its way into internet articles and social media posts. But what does NSFW mean, where’d it come from, and how do you use it? Don’t worry—this article is SFW.
NSFW是一个奇怪的,通用的互联网首字母缩写词,已广泛用于互联网文章和社交媒体帖子中。 但是NSFW是什么意思,它来自哪里,以及如何使用它? 不用担心-本文是SFW。
Not Safe for Work
The acronym NSFW stands for “not safe for work.” When used correctly, NSFW is a warning that indicates a link to a webpage, video, photo, or audio clip contains inappropriate content. Although the word is usually associated with pornography, it’s often used as a warning label for violent, foul, offensive, or even politically charged content.
首字母缩写词NSFW代表“工作不安全”。 如果正确使用,则NSFW是警告,表示指向网页,视频,照片或音频剪辑的链接包含不适当的内容。 尽管该词通常与色情内容相关联,但通常被用作暴力,粗暴,令人反感甚至具有政治指控的内容的警告标签。
Despite its literal meaning (not safe for work), the NSFW acronym is used to save you from
kind of public embarrassment (or, you know, from traumatizing your kids). You may see it in the title of a YouTube video, in the header of an email, or before an