发布时间:2010-09-25 14:22:02来源:红联作者:no_cool
本人有硬盘A和B A为主盘sda装有FC11 B判为新接盘 sdb,分了2个分区sdb1和sdb2,sdb2上格式化为ext3格式新建了一个文件系统,装上了grub
[root@localhost initrd]# mount /dev/sdb2 /mnt/groot
[root@localhost initrd]# cd /mnt/groot
# grub-install –root-directory=/mnt/groot hd1
Installation finished. No error reported.
This is the contents of the device map /mnt/boot/grub/device.map.
Check if this is correct or not. If any of the lines is incorrect,
fix it and re-run the script `grub-install’.
(fd0) /dev/fd0
(hd0) /dev/sda
(hd1) /dev/sdb
[root@localhost groot]# ls
bin dev home lib mnt root sys tmp var
boot etc init lost+found proc sbin sysroot usr
[root@localhost groot]# vim etc/fstab
proc /proc proc defaults