无论是使用Maven sonar插件还是Sonar scanner,以下这些常用参数都是通用的。参数摘抄自
Analysis Parameters | SonarQube Docs
Key | Description | Default |
the server URL |
http://localhost:9000 |
The project’s unique key. Allowed characters are: letters, numbers,
, with at least one non-digit. |
For Maven projects, this defaults to
Name of the project that will be displayed on the web interface. |
for Maven projects, otherwise project key. If not provided and there is already a name in the DB, it won’t be overwritten |
The project version. |
for Maven projects, otherwise “not provided” |
The authentication token or login of a SonarQube user with Execute Analysis permission on the project. |
Comma-separated paths to directories containing main source files. |
Read from build system for Maven, Gradle, MSBuild projects. Defaults to project base directory when neither
is provided. |
Comma-separated paths to directories containing test source files. | Read from build system for Maven, Gradle, MSBuild projects. Else default to empty. |
Path to JaCoCo XML coverage reports. Path wildcards are supported (see above). | |
不需要执行检查的源文件,支持通配符,可以用逗号连接多个路径。 | |
不需要执行检查的测试源文件,支持通配符,可以用逗号连接多个路径。 |
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