ID | Name | Salary | DepartmentId |
1001 | Emma | 12000 | 1 |
1002 | Alex | 13000 | 2 |
1003 | Tom | 9000 | 3 |
1004 | Star | 11000 | 1 |
1005 | Eric | 15000 | 2 |
ID | Name |
1 | IT |
2 | Sales |
3 | Finance |
Department | Employee | Salary |
IT | Emma | 12000 |
Sales | Eric | 15000 |
Finance | Tom | 9000 |
select max(Salary) ms,DepartmentId from Employee group by DepartmentId
select e.Name,e.Salary,e.DepartmentId from Employee e,a where e.Salary=a.ms and e.DepartmentId=a.DepartmentId
select d.name Department,b.name Employee,Salary from b , Department d where b.DepartmentId =d.id;
select d.name Department,b.name Employee,Salary from (
select e.Name,e.Salary,e.DepartmentId from Employee e,
(select max(Salary) m,DepartmentId from Employee group by DepartmentId) a
where e.Salary =a.m and e.DepartmentId =a.DepartmentId) b , Department d where
b.DepartmentId =d.id;
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